Happy Birthday!... belated.
I was thinking, why are YOU paying for your birthday?? I seem to always be treated on mine. I do get it though. Actually, if the food is really good, 5 adults and 2 children, $100 doesn't sound so bad, especially with extra drinks.
"Maybe I will notice how hot this is tomorrow" ...THAT made me laugh. It reminded me of once, long ago, the women in my family went to a restaurant where we had been once before and on the previous visit, my younger sister had gotten some sort of spicy-hot shrimp and I had vowed if we ever went back, that is what I would order, so I did. They were SO delicious and I couldn't quit eating them. Nobody warned me about the next day.... LOL... Lord Have Mercy !!! ....I had never experienced such a thing and I was truly surprised. I did learn my lesson, but still, they were amazingly good.
Glad you had a good outing with your family for your special day.
Yes ring sting is not a myth. My brother was spending a week with me when I was living in Durban and here was a burger joint called Gobble And Go. They were an Indian fast food outlet that was quite popular back then and their sauce was so good, but had a rather harsh burn. I only remembered about this when I was in the UK recently and my brother mentioned this story when we visited a curry house. It did make me chuckle as he had no clue what was coming.
I always pay for birthdays lol and I also thought the bill was very reasonable with drinks.
I was not familiar with "ring sting".... but it reminded me of something I had heard before about "burning you a new one".....which when I heard it, was applied to someone getting a bad whipping, however, the words kind of seemed to apply to this "happening".... but admittedly is not very lady-like to say..... it did make me laugh though.
That is nice of you to pay for your birthday. It makes it special for everyone I am sure.
I think guys speak in another language on certain topics and you only find out the terms and what they really mean when you experience them lol. I took everyone over seas last year for 2 weeks so a birthday meal is cheap. Travelling with 7 people is a nightmare as not everyone fits in taxis along with suit cases so you have a convoy. I think I was numb to the restaurant bills after about the second day.
Oh wow! Yeah, I can see how a mere $100 seemed like nearly nothing next to the two week trip.