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RE: Gardening Report And The Painful Truth

in HiveGarden3 years ago

I loved seeing the results of your harvest the tomatoes look great seeing those plants reminds me of the movie Turbo where the snails as they worked in the tomato plant.

The onions are an issue when there is a lot of rain they rot, you can see how the ground is very dry because of the heat as you point out the climate change is doing more and more of its own and that brings more and more problems to our poor planet and those who live in it, which sadly we are the cause of his tragedy.

 3 years ago  

Snails can only work one way in a tomato plant and that is, eating the leaves 😂

sadly we are the cause of his tragedy.

Unfortunately that is true. Not many are willing to admit, but better management and a change in human behavior could help a lot, till it's not too late.

Well it is a caricature and they pose things in a jocular way as if the snails were working in the tomato plantation.

As for the damage caused to the planet by us, since I was a child at home I was taught to take responsibility for my actions, so that's why I recognize my share, plus I agree with you that if we all did our part something could be done, but most want it to be someone else who does or activates.

 3 years ago  

if we all did our part something could be done, but most want it to be someone else who does or activates.

That's the biggest problem!