The heat started a few weeks ago, but the sun is getting stronger every day, so I have not been able to neglect watering the plants. It is impressive to see how from one day to the next it looks like you haven't watered the plants.
As for the compost I have added more vegetable shells and you can see that little by little the dry leaves are decomposing, so I took the opportunity to water the compost a little and cover it again with plastic to let the heat do its part of the process, which makes me remember that my neighbors opossums, have entered the compost and have eaten some of the shells, you can tell because the plastic was up and my husband saw them the other night and I saw them roaming the area one night while I was watering the plants.

On the other hand, I am very happy because the cuttings of the trampled coleus that I thought would not survive have given me surprises, because all the ones I planted are alive and beautiful and giving many colorful leaves, they look beautiful and that makes me happy, in fact I moved some of the others to the planters, but I am waiting for them to be bigger to take care of them a little from the dogs and cats, besides I am thinking which will be the ideal area to plant them.

As for the purple lilies I removed from the garden that seem to need a lot of nutrients, they have thrived remarkably. It was obvious they needed a change of location, good soil and to receive more sunlight. If you have ideas on how to give nutrients to this soil, I would be very grateful because no matter how much I water, the plants in this planter look horrendous.

I have a project that I hope to execute in the next few days, I have had a new bromeliad for months, but it is in a pot with soil and it definitely does not suit it at all, so I was looking for a trunk to take it out of the pot and tie it up, but I could not find one, but I have already found one so I just need to get to work, but I needed my husband's help, so I will take advantage of the carnival break for it.

On the other hand, the family of a neighbor who died earlier this year left me her plants, one in particular I love, she had it in water, but I want to move it to a pot and place it somewhere where I can love it or maybe look for a branch or something to help it grow optimally, because I think it is some kind of monstera or something similar.

In fact, it has changed its appearance in days, as I placed it in a place where it does not receive direct sun, as its leaves looked very discolored, yellowish and now they look a little greener and healthier tone.

I must dedicate some time to remove the soil from my indoor plants, it is necessary for them to feel more comfortable. I've seen suggestions on the internet like adding beer to the substrate. The truth could be tried with one for not leaving; if it dies, it will be just one and not all of them.
There are two houseplants that are currently looking very beautiful. I will show you pictures of all the indoor ones in my next post, including a tragedy with a jade. So I say goodbye looking forward to reading you in the comments a hug and until a future gardening post.
El calor comenzó hace ya unas semanas, pero cada día es más fuerte el sol, por lo que no he podido descuidarme con el riego de las plantas. Es impresionante ver cómo de un día para el otro parece que no hubieras regado las plantas.
En cuanto al compost he agregado más conchas de verduras y se ve que poco a poco las hojas secas se van descomponiendo, así que aproveche para regar un poco el compost y volverlo a cubrir con el plástico para que el calor haga su parte del proceso, lo que me hace recordar que mis vecinas las zarigüeyas, han entrado al compost y se han comido algunas de las conchas, se nota porque el plástico estaba levantado y mi esposo las vio la otra noche y yo las vi rondando la zona una noche mientras regaba las plantas.
Por otro parte, estoy muy feliz porque los esquejes de las cóleos pisoteadas que pensé no sobrevivirán me han dado sorpresas, pues todas las que sembré están vivas hermosas y dando muchas hojas coloridas, lucen bellísimas eso me hace feliz, de hecho pase algunas de las otras ya a las jardineras, pero estas estoy esperando estén más grandes para cuidarlas un poco de los perros y gatos, además de que estoy pensando cuál será la zona ideal para sembrarlas.
En cuanto a los lirios morados que retiré del jardín que parece necesitar muchos nutrientes, han prosperado de manera notable. Era evidente que necesitaban un cambio de lugar, buena tierra y recibir más luz solar. Si tienen ideas de cómo dar nutrientes a este terreno, les agradeceré mucho porque, por más que riego, las plantas de esta jardinera lucen horrendas.
Tengo un proyecto que espero ejecutar en próximos días, desde hace meses tengo una nueva bromelia, pero está en una maceta con tierra y definitivamente no le sienta para nada, así que estaba buscando un tronco para sacarla de la maceta y amárrala, pero no daba con ninguno, pero ya he conseguido uno así que solo falta poner manos a la obra, pero necesitaba la ayuda de mi esposo, así que aprovecharé el asueto de carnaval para ello.
Por otro lado, la familia de una vecina que murió a principios de este año me dejo sus plantas una en particular me encanta ella la tenía en agua, pero yo deseo pasarla a una maceta y colocara en alguna parte donde pueda amarla o tal vez busque alguna rama o algo para ayudarla a crecer de manera óptima, pues creo es algún tipo de monstera o alguna similar.
De hecho, ha cambiado su aspecto en días, ya que la coloqué en un lugar donde no recibe sol directo, pues sus hojas lucían muy decoloradas, amarillentas y ahora lucen un tono un poco más verde y sano.
Debo dedicar un tiempo para remover la tierra de mis plantas de interior, es necesario para que puedan sentirse más cómodas. He visto sugerencias en internet como agregar cerveza al sustrato. La verdad se podría probar con una por no dejar; si muere, será solo una y no todas.
Hay dos plantas de interior que actualmente están muy hermosas. Les mostraré fotografías de todas las de adentro en mi próxima publicación, incluyendo una tragedia con un jade. Así me despido esperando leerles en los comentarios un abrazo y hasta una próxima publicación de jardinería.

Posted Using INLEO
Are the dry leaves for making compost?
The plants look healthy. The purple lilies growing so well.
Currently, here the dry leaves are falling from the trees, my mother would take some, put them in a bag, wet them and leave them where the sun's rays hit the bag until they were quite decomposed and apply them to the compost, I presume to make the process faster and easier.
The purple lilies give beautiful flowers, delicate, but beautiful.
Sunlight is really important for plants. I hope all your plants thrive well
Anyway, you can use covered container to make faster compost 😊
Sunlight, whether direct or indirect, is vital for plants. I think that is part of the problem in some cases. As for compost I would have to look for some container to try that option.
How lovely your neighbour left you plants! Looking forward to seeing the bromeliad grow..
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I too wish to see the results of the bromeliad, and as for the plants that were my neighbor's, I also have plans.
Hello sister ! It's good that you survived. When the rains start if they have grown you can bring me some cuttings to plant here ! There is a little more sun during the day, but with cold breeze and cold at night, today I started my germination to renew the garden you should come to help me and in March to renew the garden so we make a post together. 😊😛