During the autumn and winter, I water plants outside once or twice a week.
Looking at the pots, I noticed sprouts of lambs lettuce. It's what I had sprinkled seeds on top of the soil after planting the bulbs the other day. Yey!
Compared to spring and summer, the amount of sunlight is significantly less, and the temperature is lower in Germany, so the growth is much slower. However, if you sow the seeds in early autumn, they will grow to be harvestable and edible around mid-winter, just when you might forget about them.
Another winter salad leaf is miner's lettuce. It looks like it's almost ready to be harvested. Aside from using it in a regular salad in western way, chopping it up and mixing it into Natto rice is my favorite. It may not for all the people but I like the sliminess 😁
Additionally, perennial wild arugula is quite winter hardy. It comes back again and again once you sow it, but to have it for sure, I sprinkle its seeds time by time over unused plant containers. I'm grateful that the seed is available for affordable price even at supermarkets.
In autumn and winter, if you choose the right varieties, the growth might be slow, but there's less need for watering and almost no pestse, making it easy to cultivate leafy vegetables. I believe it's still not too late for plants like lambs lettuce.
If you have an empty planter, why not give it a try?
Happy autumn & winter gardening!
鉢を見ていると、ノヂシャ(英語ではlambs lettuce、ドイツではFeldsalatと呼ばれています)の芽が出ていました。先日球根を植えて、その上にふりかけのようにふりかけたアレです w
もう一つ、冬の定番といえば・・・日本語名が謎のこの草です(英語ではminer's lettuce、ドイツ語ではWinter Purslane)。こちらはもう収穫できそうです。普通にサラダにまぜるほか、ちょっと刻んで納豆ご飯に入れるとぬめぬめ感が増して良い感じです。