It’s been quite hot where I live, but last night’s rain has brought some relief. It looks like the temperatures might rise to around 30 degrees again next week, but with late August already here, the evenings are beginning to carry the sounds of autumn insects.
My chili peppers have started to fruit. I mentioned in my first garden journal back in February that I had sown chili seeds this year.
Garden Journal 2024 - Feb 11 Starting Chillis
The chili plants are quite small, though. There could be a few reasons for this: the seed company I bought them from had some issues with germination rates this year, possibly due to their relocation, and communication about complaints didn’t go smoothly. Another possible factor is the organic soil I used—it was quite dry. I’m considering trying a different brand of soil next time. But, as with any gardening, there are bound to be some hiccups along the way. It’s all part of the learning process, which I enjoy 😉
Despite some challenges, there are also successes. The green beans have been producing consistently. Every time I glance at the balcony, there’s always a pod or two hanging somewhere, ready to be picked. The fire beans I grew last year and the year before are also doing well—no issues with crop rotation here. I’m definitely planning to grow some beans again next year.
Speaking of beans, I had a funny moment this week when I discovered a huge pod with a purple tip. I was puzzled at first, thinking I had some rare variety on my hands. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was just a green bean pod I had left for seed saving, with a morning glory flower stuck to it by my child, which had dried in place ... 😅
The micro tomatoes are also starting to fruit, joining the large and medium-sized tomatoes in their efforts. Given the amount my child and I eat and the size of our balcony, I’ve realized that focusing on 3-5 plants and growing them properly is probably the way to go. I’ve also learned that I don’t necessarily need to grow micro tomatoes every year—this is a discovery I’ll apply next year. Though, if I could, I’d grow as many as possible 😁
I’m also grateful for my little regrow spring onion patch. For the amount I need for my bowls, I haven’t needed to buy any lately since my family doesn't eat it much.
I usually spend time on the balcony during the day, but this week, with the full moon, I went out several times at night. I still need some practice with night sky photography with my Sony camera, but with my new iPhone 15 Pro, I’m excited to try capturing the stars. It's so easy and fun.
Last night, the sky was filled with stars, and I enjoyed gazing at them through the leaves of the green bean plants.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday. Happy gardening!
Garden Journal 2024 - Feb 11 Starting Chillis / 庭仕事の記録
唐辛子はなんだかどれも株が小さいんですよね。いくつか思い当たる原因があって、唐辛子の種を買った種苗会社が今年はお引っ越しということもあってか、その会社の種の発芽率が悪かったり、クレームが上手く通っていなかったり、ちょっとしたトラブルがありました。あとは、オーガニックの土がぱさぱさなのも原因かもしれません。次に土を買うときは、違う会社の土を買ってみようと考えています。でも、こんな失敗もガーデニング。Learning by doing!
豆といえば、お尻が紫の巨大な鞘を見つけて「なにこの珍種!?」と驚く事件がありました。よく見てみると、私が種とり用に残しておいたインゲンで、子供が朝顔の花をお尻につけて、それが乾燥したもののでした 😅
普段は日が出ている時に時間を過ごすことの多いバルコニーですが、今週は満月の日があり、夜にも何度かバルコニーに出ました。カメラで夜空を撮るのはまだ練習が必要なのですが、この夏iPhone 15 Proに変えて、夜空を撮が撮れる・・・!
それではみなさん素敵な日曜日を。Happy gardening!
Your plants look very beautiful :)