Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Dec 22 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

in HiveGardenlast month

In the region of Germany where I live, we had some days this week with temperatures over 10°C, but the colder days have returned, and it looks like there will be some freezing days next week.

The plants on my balcony are taking things at their own pace. My yuzu tree is thriving, seemingly unaffected by the ups and downs in temperature. The lemon and kumquat trees, on the other hand, are staying cozy indoors. It’s amazing to me that the yuzu tree, a member of citrus plant family, can tolerate these outdoor conditions. Meanwhile, my last strawberry is still hanging on and very slowly ripening. At this rate, I might have January strawberries...

My last strawberry

And indoors, something exciting happened—Hive Fest Fig #2 has sprouted! For those unfamiliar, let me introduce my Hive Fest Fig. It all started at this year’s Hive Fest, where I tasted the most delicious fig I’ve ever had. These small green figs came from the Airbnb host of @livinguktaiwan. In the last day, Livinguktaiwan kindly brought some to the party.

Unfortunately, my flight was delayed, and my suitcase arrived even later, so I couldn’t share the fresh figs with my family. While waiting for the plane, I researched how to grow figs from seeds, and I decided to give it a try.

The Hive Fest figs I brought home

Seeds I carefully saved

I planted the seeds at the end of September. About a month later, just when I was about to give up, Hive Fest Fig #1 sprouted.

Fig #1 sprouting

However, only one sprout appeared. Even after it grew its first true leaves, I doubted whether it was really a fig as the true leaves don't have typical fig leaf shape ... it might be a weed. Recently, I planted a second batch of seeds to compare. You can see the new pots in the background of the photo below.

Fig or not?

I check on Fig #1 daily as it's in my kitchen, so I think Fig #2 must have just popped out overnight. This time, there was a brown shell—possibly the seed shell—near the sprout, making me about 70% sure it’s a fig I planted.

Seed shells circled in orange

Other than the fig surprise, I’ve harvested and dried shiso seeds. I planted some to test their germination. I’ve been saving and growing red shiso seeds for several years, and I’m thinking it might be fun to sell shiso syrup I produce in the region and seedlings at a local plant market next year. Now food and gardening, my top 2 passions come together!

Shiso seeds and potential plans

Yesterday was the winter solstice, and from today, the days are gradually getting longer. It’s still cold, rainy, and dark for now, but the thought of more sunlight makes me happy.

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday. Happy gardening!

🪴 🪴 🪴


バルコニーの植物は相変わらずのマイペースで、柚子は気温のアップダウンもなんのそのという感じで元気です。レモンと金柑は家の中でぬくぬくしていますが、同じ柑橘系でも柚子はこの気温で外に出しておけるなんてびっくりです。いちごもまだいます 😮 ものすごくゆっくり色づいていっていて、このままいくと1月のいちご・・・


そして、家の中ではなんと、Hive Festイチヂク2号が芽を出しました!知らない方もいると思うので改めて私のHive Festイチヂクを紹介させてください。Hive Festイチヂクとは、今年参加したHive Festで食べて感動して、持ち帰って種から育てているイチヂクです。@livinguktaiwan さんの宿泊先のホストの木の小粒の緑のイチヂクで、人生で食べたイチヂクの中で間違いなく一番おいしかったです。あまりにおいしいおいしいと言っていたら、Livinguktaiwan さんが最終日のパーティーに持ってきてくれたのでした。残念ながら、飛行機が遅れた上にさらにスーツケースの到着が遅れて、家族にこのおいしいイチヂクを食べさせてあげることはできなかったのですが、飛行機を待っている間に種からイチヂクを育てる方法を調べて、種をとってまくことにしました。

Hive Festから持ち帰ったイチヂク











それではみなさん素敵な日曜日を。Happy gardening!


And there is the third one as I posted on Snaps! Now it has the seed shell on its head still so it's the fig! It's the fig from Croatia 🥳
Untitled design.png

January-Strawberries in Germany. What a time to be alive :o).
In a couple of years, we might be able to pick strawberries in January regularly.