This morning, I had the idea to document my work as a community gardener and started taking photos. Here's a glimpse into my day!
My plan for today was to water the plants, following up on my watering session from last Saturday and the rain we had on Sunday morning. I usually bring my food and drink with me. Today, I made my water sweetened with Elderflower syrup I made few weeks ago and added ice cubes.
I bike to the community garden, savoring the feel of the wind, the changing scenery, and occasionally stopping at local shops and markets along the way. The trip takes around 25 minutes. You might think it's a long ride, but I never tire of it.
After I arrive, I take a tour on my bike how plants and containers are doing. Some were doing good, and while others were struggling due to the new soil and exposure to direct sunlight for most of the day.
Here's an overall view of the community garden. I know it might look more like a parking lot, but it's a huge space ... We have seven large new containers (1m x 1.2m x 1.152m) and five smaller older ones.
We have a plan to install a hose, but for now, I water the plants using a watering can.
And this is my another work buddy, a bone-conducting headphone. I use it to listen to books and talks.
As I water the plants, I remove overgrown plants and old leaves. It would be nice to have a compost bin in the future 😊
I was delighted to see that the arugula and tomatoes are growing really well despite the hot, dry weather.
The arugula plants were purchased from a local farmer at our city's weekly market. I plan to visit their stand tomorrow and buy more if they still have arugula.
While watering plants, I often find small rewards. Today, there were flowers, herbs, rucola, black kale and strawberries. I left flowers and herbs for the market cafe and took black kale and arugula as souvenirs. Strawberries were my snack as always 🍓
I sprinkled the fresh arugula on my lunch and savored its fresh and bitter strong summery taste.
That was my half a day as a community garden maintainer. I also have planting days. I look forward to writing about it soon.
Happy gardening!
外に置いている人もいるのですが、盗難があとをたたず、私は地下室にしまって鍵をかけています。コミュニティガーデンまでは25分かかります。風を感じながら自転車で走るといいようのない爽快感があり、風景を眺めるのも飽きません。途中で地元の小さなお店やマーケットに立ち寄ります。長いと思うかもしれませんが、通勤をはじめて3ヶ月、飽きを感じたことはありません 😉
コミュニティガーデンに到着すると、植物やコンテナの状態をチェックするために自転車で一周します。新しい土と一日中ほとんど直射日光を受けているため、一部の植物は元気がありませんが、トマトなど元気なものはフルパワーで成長しています。コミュニティガーデンの全体像はこんな感じ。駐車場のように見えると思いますが、とても広くてコンテナが小さく見えるのです。新たに設置した大きなコンテナが7つ(1m x 1.2m x 1.152m)と古い小さなコンテナが5つあります。
水やりをしながら成長しすぎた植物や古い葉を取り除きます。将来的にはコンポストボックスがあるといいなと思っています 😊 暑くて乾燥した天気の中でも、ルッコラとトマトが順調に育っているのを見てうれしかったです。トマトは10株はうわっていてどれも大好きなのですが、下の写真のもっさりわっさりした子が大好きです。一番最初に実をつけたので愛着があるのかも。
That’s some good exercise taking the bike on a stroll out there. That photo of your favorite on the way spot is so nice.
I’m glad you labeled the garden beds because I might have missed some. How many maintainers are there for the community garden. I’ve always loved this idea.
I hope our spearmint leaves turn out looking as awesome as those mint leaves. 😍
Your mints and others will be great ones. I look forward to reading your garden updates on Hive Garden 😊
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Thank you for your support, Cycling Community! I ride my bike almost everyday but not many changes so I didn’t post many 🚲 I must take a tour to somewhere during the summer holidays 😊
おもしろいことに、ドイツでは脇目を摘まないようなのですよ(摘んでいる人もいるのかも、でも基本なんでも野放し w)。希少種のお店のよく相談にのってくれるお姉さんに聞いても、脇目そのままでいいよとのことでした。実の大きさは結構変わったりするのかもしれないのですが、コンテナであまり背が高くなられても不安定なのでこのまま今年は・・・😅