Good morning Hive Garden friends! Thank you to Hive Blog, I have this weekly routine to bring out my camera to the balcony and shoot photos 😊
My highlight of the week is ............... a tomato plant starts making fruits 🍅 🙌 This is a wild tomato called "Wild Argentina". Since it makes micro tomatoes, the fruits ripens quickly compared to large tomatoes. Good for the small garden helper and me who cannot wait so long. Also it's nice to have tomatoes that are not available at supermarkets.
Zinnia I planted next to tomato plants also start. I learned to do so from one of my favorite garden YouTubers. I got to know Zinnia in Germany even it's in Japan. I like its flower in flower structure and vivid colors.
Now fava beans are fully ready for harvest. My daughter took really nice ones. I wish she keeps some for seed saving as I told her 😅 We will cook them in Omelet.
Strawberries slow down and making baby plants on their runners. We put pots under neath the babies and propagate strawberry plants for the community garden I maintain.
Even they slow down they still give us small fruits. My daughter and I started making a note on our calendar how much we harvested strawberries. I planted summer varieties as well so I wish strawberries will be back again soon.
It is just a two square meter balcony but I can grow quite a lot. I harvested basil to make pesto. Pesto is sold for a quite good price but it is really nice to see the blight green color that is only can be seen when it's freshly done.
And I was happy to see a lady bag in the end of my balcony tour on the edge of a compost bag. I moved her to Mitsuba, a Japanese herb.
Here are the overviews of my garden.
That's it for this week. Have a nice gardening Sunday!
日曜日は週に一度、朝早くコーヒー片手にカメラを持ってバルコニーに出て、ガーデンアップデートを書いています。Hive BlogとHiveGardenコミュニティーのおかでできた新しい習慣で、毎週楽しんでいます。
Wild Argentinaという野生のマイクロトマトが実をつけ始めました。マイクロトマトなので、大きなトマトよりも早く実が熟します。待てない子供にぴったりです w 私も待てませんが。自分で育てるとスーパーやマーケットで手に入らないトマトを楽しめるのもいいところです。
空豆が収穫のまっさかりで、子供がどんどんとって持ってきます。でもお願いだから種とり用のさやをいくつか残しておいてね・・・ w
バルコニーの全体像はこんな感じです。夏ですね 😊
Your basil leaves are very good and have wide leaves that are different from our basil leaves in Indonesia @akipponn
I know what you mean as I am from Asia too 😁 I think it is an Italian or some European variety. Happy gardening @maytom!
ジニアをトマトの隣に植えると…なんですね。花粉媒介者を呼ぶのかな?( ..)φメモメモ
ジニアをトマトの隣に植えるのってなんでだったか理由を思い出せないんですよね。ただそうすると決めておくと、食べ物ばかりになりがちの私のバルコニーが華やかになるので、聞いて以来やっています 😂