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RE: September Garden Journal: Abundance of Harvest

in HiveGarden5 months ago

When you harvest water spinach / morning glory late about 30 days, the bottom of the stem will get hard, so the ideal time is 20 days, so we do need to cut / remove their stem to much. I heard on my country, water spinach is illegal to grow. How's your living country rules for now about growing water spinach?

For the stickers, I use for cucumbers to make cucumbers looks great, dominant to hang on the their stems, to complete my Youtube video visual.

For the mustard greens, the stickers will help the stems not easily be broken when big rain and wind comes :)

For now, I gave my harvest for free for surrounding people here :)


I Google growing morning glory in UK and it's ok, but they did say it's illegal in some countries because it's an invasive plant. How come you're still growing them? Isn't it a bit dangerous if you're still posting on social media?

Here, we called it Kangkong, cheap vegetables and often for daily side dishes at home. So kangkong is really popular in Indonesia, also another Asian countries. Cheap here because it is easy to grow :) and indeed not dangerous things here