As you may have seen yesterday, we spent our first few days in our house in the countryside. It was very intense, and I mean that in a good way, of course !
As the house and its interior in particular were in a pretty poor state of cleanliness, we concentrated on the obligatory and essential cleaning so that we could touch things without thinking we were going to have a serious infection ... the taps for example ^^.
This left us less time to look after the garden, but I was still able to take care of it a bit, so let me tell you a bit more about it...
Here's a view from the top of our plot. In the future, we'd like to turn it into a small fruit forest, but we'll wait until winter to start planting trees, so that gives us time to think about it.
Here we're completely at the bottom, from the opposite point of view and therefore much closer to the house. As you can see, the grass is quite high and this will require quite a bit of maintenance, but our idea is just to make a few paths to access the different areas.
I know we don't all have the same conception of Nature, nor the same relationship with it, but let me tell you more about how I feel about this. For me:
Nature = Freedom.
It's as simple as that. I'm not here to constrain everything and find a purpose, a reason or a function. Nor to control everything. So I want to work with nature, not against it. These are the principles of permaculture, where everything has to be considered as an organism and above all in terms of its relationship with all the other organisms and forces involved.
That said, it didn't stop me from pruning the two plants at the front of the house, a magnolia and a wisteria, which are in great shape !
This allowed me to build up an initial pile of organic matter between a few hazel trees that were already covered in fruit.
In the rest of the garden, amongst the many plants, both known and unknown, I was able to spot Yarrow, a plant that I love in herbal tea and which is particularly recommended for women during their menstrual periods.
This is the previous owner's stash of pots and I was in a hurry to put them away, as some of the columns were threatening to collapse.
I took the opportunity to repot this wisteria, the only plant to have travelled with us from Paris and which was a gift from some members of the community garden where we did some gardening last year.
I hope it will do well here !
But let's have a look at the other trees and edible species already in the garden...
We have several apple trees, some younger and with branches laden with fruit and others of a certain age, already more tired by the weight of the years.
Facing north for coolness and humidity, there's a massive hedge of brambles laden with blackberries that can be eaten in late summer or early autumn. Unlike a lot of people, I love plants that sting, like nettles in particular !
Here, it's the little seedling greenhouse that was already there, but we haven't got round to it yet as we already had quite a few things to do beforehand.
This is a wonderful discovery, a sort of mini tree nursery with conifers, holly and hornbeams that have grown spontaneously.
This little forest is right under this gutter and it didn't take me long to identify the creators of this new plantation. It's the birds ! By eating the berries and seeds from these trees and then landing on this perch, they planted these few trees and I think that next time, I'll transplant them into large pots before placing them in the field.
In this case, it's a lovely present from the neighbour opposite, who gave me a scythe he no longer uses. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but I can't wait to try it out after I've sharpened it properly, of course !
In front of the house, I've started to add organic matter for future planting, using leftover grass cuttings and branches from the magnolia tree.
But that's for another time !
I hope you've enjoyed this article and I'd like to thank you for taking the time to visit us. I hope you have a lovely week and I'll see you soon,
All these images are mine. Article created without AI.
Comme vous avez pu le voir hier, nous sommes allés passer nos premiers jours dans notre maison à la campagne. C'était très intense, et je dis cela dans le bon sens du terme, évidemment !
Comme la maison et son intérieur surtout était dans un état de propreté assez dégradé, nous nous sommes avant tout consacré au nettoyage obligatoire et indispensable afin de pouvoir toucher les choses sans se dire que nous allions avoir une infection carabinée ... les robinets par exemple ^^
Cela nous a donc laissé moins de temps pour nous occuper du jardin, mais j'ai quand même pu aller m'en charger un peu et laissez-moi donc vous présenter cela un peu plus en détails...
Ici, voici une vue depuis le haut de notre terrain. Sur cette partie haute, on trouve surtout un grand pâturage de plus d'un hectare et que dans le futur, nous aimerions transformer en une petite forêt fruitière, mais nous attendrons l'hiver pour commencer à planter des arbres et cela nous laisse donc le temps d'y réfléchir.
Là nous sommes complètement en bas, du point de vue opposé et donc bien plus près de la maison. Comme vous pouvez vous en rendre compte, l'herbe est assez haute et cela nécessitera pas mal d'entretient mais dans notre idée, nous allons nous contenter de faire quelques chemins pour accéder aux différentes zones.
Je sais que nous n'avons pas tous la même conception de la Nature, pas plus que les mêmes rapports avec elle, mais laissez-moi vous en dire plus sur mon sentiment à ce propos. Pour moi :
Nature = Liberté.
C'est aussi simple que cela. Je ne suis pas là pour tout contraindre et trouver un but, une raison ou une fonction. Pas plus que pour tout contrôler. Je veux donc travailler avec la nature et non pas contre elle. Ce sont la les principes de la permaculture ou toute chose est à considérer comme un organisme et surtout en fonction de ses rapport avec tous les autres organismes et forces en présence.
Ceci étant dit, cela ne m'a pas empêcher de tailler les deux végétaux du devant de la maison, un magnolia et une glycine en super forme !
Cela m'a permis de constituer un premier tas de matière organique entre quelques noisetiers déjà couverts de fruits.
Dans le reste du jardin et parmi de nombreuses plantes, connues ou non, j'ai pu repérer l'Achillée Millefeuille, une plante que j'adore en tisane et qui particulièrement recommandée pour les femmes pendant leurs périodes de menstruations.
Là c'est la réserve de pots de la précédente propriétaire et je me suis empressé de les ranger un peu comme certaines colonnes menaçaient de s'effondrer.
J'en ai profité pour rempoter cette glycine, seule plante qui a fait le voyage avec nous depuis Paris et qui est un cadeau de certains membres du jardin associatif où nous avions jardiné l'année dernière.
J'espère qu'elle va se plaire ici !
Mais passons un peu en revue les autres arbres et espèces comestibles déjà présents sur le terrain...
On a plusieurs pommiers, certains plus jeunes et qui on les branches chargée de fruits et d'autres d'un certain âge, déjà plus fatigués par le poids des années.
Exposée face au nord pour la fraicheur et l'humidité, on trouve une haie massive de ronces chargées de mûres que l'on pourra manger à la fin de l'été ou au début de l'automne. Contrairement à beaucoup de gens, j'adore ces plantes qui piquent, comme l'ortie notamment !
Ici, c'est la petite serre à semis qui était déjà là, mais nous ne nous en sommes pas encore occupé comme nous avions déjà pas mal de choses à faire en amont.
Ici, c'est une belle découverte, une sorte de mini pépinière d'arbres avec notamment, des conifères, un houx et des charmes et qui ont poussé spontanément.
Cette petite forêt est juste sous cette gouttière et j'ai mis peu de temps à identifier les créateurs de cette plantation nouvelle. Ce sont les oiseaux ! En mangeant les baies et graines de ces arbres et puis en se posant sur ce perchoir, ils ont planté ces quelques arbres et je pense que la prochaine fois, je transplanterai ceux-ci dans de grands pots avant de les placer sur le terrain.
Ici, c'est un beau cadeau du voisin d'en face qui m'a offert une faux dont il ne se sert plus. Je n'ai pas eu le temps de m'en servir encore, mais j'ai hâte de l'essayer après l'avoir affutée correctement bien entendu !
Devant la maison et avec un reste de tonte et des branches du magnolia, j'ai commencé à ajouter de la matière organique en vue de futures plantations.
Mais ça... ce sera pour la prochaine fois !
J'espère que vous aurez apprécié cet article et je vous remercie pour le temps de votre visite, très belle semaine à vous et à bientôt,
Toutes ces images sont les miennes. Article "fièrement" réalisé sans AI.
This place is so idyllic... Hope the new little trees grow well.
And I love the piles of clay pots! :D You probably know what I would put it them :p
Indeed ! This was such a pleasure to spend those few days and to have, in a way, the confirmation of our choice :)
Not at all, I don't have a clue 😂 !
Promise, next time, I bring some fresh cuttings ;-)
Oh pleassee :D
They are gonna love it!
Haha ! For sure, those are the tuff ones and I'm sure they will love the atmosphere of the little red greenhouse 😅 !
Awesome ! it is all happening.
birds are great helpers when it comes to reforestation. I observed that the long sticks / canes I use to place near small trees to mark them is used by birds to perch on.
they are always having some seeds either in their beaks or already in their stomachs and standing on these sticks, they love to poo..
you reminded me I have to repot my Wisteria and choose a tree for it to climb on. love its flowers.
best regards.
Yes, at last !
In fact, along with the insects that pollinate, I think that birds are the workers in the garden. Along with all those who, of course, work underground...
I was just about to tell you that wisteria is my favorite plant, but who to decide and also, is it really needed to choose ?
Wisteria repotted 🌱
Nice !
I'm late so I guess it may already have grown a bit ^^
I love that place of wilderness a lot!
Wish I could be there to enjoy it with you. 🥰
I totally agree with how you look at nature. With the apple trees and blackberries you have a nice start already. Soooo lookoing forward to see your garden flowerish in all its glory that only mother nature can do, eventually.
And I'm curious to learn more about your surroundings there as well. Looks like lots of woodland all around there. Which is luckily the same for me at my place as well. Still, I'm curious... 😁
I wish the two of you all the best and luck with your plans. This is going to be a story I know I will enjoy to no end. 😍
Hope to see you soon in your next post!
Take care and enjoy your new home and garden!
Yep, we already have quite a lot to start :) But we plan of course to add a lot more of trees in the coming years !
Indeed, we're just close to the forest and I'm currently preparing an article about this one hehe !
Thank you as always for your positivity and kinds thoughts @aaskablackwolf !
Take good care and have a lovely day ✌️
What a wonderful playground you have… oh the joy.
I think the same. So looking forward to your posts.
Have a wonderful new week my friend 👋🏻😊😘
Thank you 😊 !
This will need so much hard work, but well, that was the plan haha 😅
You are welcome 😊👋🏻
Hahaha it is much more rewarding with hard work. And all the fun you will have.
Have a wonderful Tuesday ☀️🌺
Thank you @littlebee4 😇
Always ! Plus I will loose a bit of fat in the process haha 😅
Have a beautiful Wednesday 😘
You are welcome @anttn 👋🏻😊
Hahaha !LOL
Thanks a lot, it was a good but very busy day.
Enjoy your end of the week 😘
Hey, that's false advertising!
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$LOLZ on behalf of littlebee4
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So much fun and hard work ahead!
Indeed !
This will keep us fit forever haha :D
This place looks simply amazing. Just 2 days ago I wrote a post about how I want to live a quiet life in a town surrounded by nature after I retire. You are already living my dream my friend! Yes, the place needs some maintenance but you can fix that in time. You should sharpen the tool you got from your neighbor, that thing is completely rusted 😂
Oh, I will check for this article of you 😉 !
For sure, this one is rusty as hell, it will need a good clean and sharpening hehe :)
Thank you so much man. You'll overcome everything time by time. Good luck and thanks for checking my post 👍😊
You're most welcome dear @incublus :)
Many thanks and it was nice to see we share some view about the attraction between cities and Nature 😉
Have a great day ahead ✌️
Working with nature, not against it, is a very good thought in addition to what nature means to you. FREEDOM! I couldn't agree more.
It's a beautiful place @anttn friend... and you took very nice photos of it 💚
!discovery 35
This seems to be a complete different paradigm for some people, but I always lived in this one ;)
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The only thing I want to ask about is when you said you had to repot the wisteria
Will it continue to grow since you have poured the plant away from one pot to the other?
Did you uproot the plant at first or how?
Oh yes, it will continue to grow, I hope so ^^
I just remove it gently from the previous pot and put it in the new one. That plus a lot of water and placed it in a nice place where another wisteria grows 😉
It seems that it has a lot of work to do my friend but I know you can accomplish that slowly. The fruits that grow there are delicious, for sure your snacks are free. I hope you use those pots for your flowering plants soon. Best regards 😍
Thank you @luckylaica for visiting ;)
Yeah, quite a lot of hard work, but this will be the best exercise too 😉
Have a good day ahead !
Seems like you have to do lots of work. wishing you good luck🌳🌱🌷 with all your plans greetings🌞
Indeed, it will be intense and fun at the same time ! Thank you a lot for your good wishes dear @hindavi 😇
Have a lovely day, I hope that both of you are doing fine 🤞
I love your wild garden. It is full of possibilities. You already have apple and berries and the birds will assist with planting. 😄 It will be challenging and a lot of work but you know that. It will be rewarding in the end.
Indeed, plus I'm completely up to make those efforts, they will bring the value to the place... and eventually keep me fit as hell haha 😂 !
Happy Saturday. The garden looks great. Good luck in the contest. Cheers.
Nice job 👍
Thanks !
Merci 😊 !
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