The little yellow flowers are so beautiful and as for the aloe vera maybe waiting a little longer wouldn't be bad, maybe it's not because they are babies... look, succulents are the opposite of the rest of the plants. Plants are transplanted, cuttings are made etc etc, when the energy in the plant is still... in winter... but with cacti it's the other way round... wait until it's warmer. I have learned a lot from a master gardener, my plant mentor. I hope that flower is beautiful!
They will wait for sure, especially as I just don't know when to start with the "gardening" activities 😂
You had a plant mentor? That's useful 👍
Remember I once posted about a picture of a horse I painted inspired by music that was a gift for an 80 year old man? That was my mentor, he worked in the municipal gardens in my city, he ran everything. He was a genius! And he was like a grandfather to me. He loved tango.
Yes, I remember that story about the painting, which you gifted. So it was him! If tango, this gif comes:
Very Happy Women's Day!😘
Thank you, and the same to you, every day of the year 😇
He was quite a character... I remember a phrase he said to me before he died that I will never forget... I found videos of his birthday, they are not of good quality, but it brings back memories.