Sadly, not quite as salacious as the title might suggest... more of a procrastination and avoidance thing rather than anything else! This week, we have hit the lull before the storm of concerts and travelling... and that means that the garden will be pretty neglected (more so...) over the coming month... with very few sporadic days here and there through the coming weeks.
I probably should be practicing for this coming concert... I do have a couple of passages that need a bit of attention, and a dámore sonata to learn properly... but I really wanted to finish off laying down the black plastic in this particular area... as my wife says that she is sick of poisoning off the grass, and then uprooting, only to see the weeds and grass grow back a few weeks later.
... and so, she made a start... on this little rectangle.... and stopped there, and I knew that if I didn't finish it off now, then we would both be too busy to do it, and it would end up being wasted effort (again, for the fourth time...) in a few weeks.
So, straight to weeding out the dead stuff, and getting as many roots out as possible... and also getting rid of the new shoots as well... the clay earth is pretty hard, and so I gave up on the tulip trowel and started using a mattock to break of the ground before pulling things out.

... and there we go, the plastic is in place to cook the leftover seeds and roots!

... and this is the larger section that needed to be done. a roughly metre and a half wide strip alongside the new wall and the outdoor play area. We think that we will eventually have a path and or some vegetation along this area... but until then, we are in a bit of a holding pattern whilst we gather the funds and the time... as there are other projects that are more pressing. But whilst we are putting this on hold... the weeds and grass don't stop... so, plastic over again!

My wife did the poisoning of the grass... but they do grow back, and this time I attacked them with the hand mattock... I found that the pointy side was great for getting under the roots of this tough cooch-grass and unearthing the network of nodes and roots that make it such a tough customer to dislodge long-term. So, a new trick up the sleeve for the other areas where it starting to make a foothold.

... and at the end of a morning, all done! I just need to nail them down with garden pins though... that will be a job for next week! I'm home for a day....

Our strawberries were a bit of a non-starter this year... but we have this single lovely looking one! Just going to let it ripen a bit more, and hopefully the birds don't get to it first!
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OkX: Again, another Binance contender?

Account banner by jimramones
Too bad your strawberries did not bear this year, I wish you success with this new planting my strawberries have not borne fruit yet, I think they need more space.