Really nice post, things are coming along well. Just a few questions though,
1)aren't the pine needles good for mulching?
2)why are you growing medicinal herbs, don't you have a CVS nearby, LOL (just kidding)
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Morning! I adore questions!!
So the pine needles are a touch acidic, so I only mulch acid loving plants (my blueberries) with them, and I have twenty acres of pine trees, so you are talking a serious amount of needles, which left unchecked, is a fire hazard in the summer. I have so many pine needles I could bale them as hay!
CVS is over twenty miles away, have you seen the price of gas?!?! LOL!
Thanks for the information about the pine needles. I was only kidding about CVS, but 20 miles away is a good haul, lol