Spring is slipping away fast. the overgrown grass everywhere (a friend borrowed my scythe 😱) starts to dry out, temperatures on the rise and not enough rain.
there is an expression in both Spanish and Portuguese that goes: "En Abril aguas mil" in English it would go in the lines of "In April water thousands...", not this year sadly.
we only got a good day of rain last Friday but this is far from enough.
It was a beautiful system that developed over the Atlantic that was fascinating to follow.
down here, having to water already in April, means at least six months of watering ahead. seems I´ll get skinny again.
on the positive side, this April, so far has been frost free.
in the photo above, our three Lupin varieties already present. the blue, flowers first and as you can see already bears seed pods.
you can read how I dissect nodules in the roots where Nitrogen is stored here:
This Sunday, earth was hit by a strong Geomagnetic storm that personally effects me in several ways. It can manifest in headaches, energy levels, lack of patience and being easily agitated. I felt these effects for a couple of days and now we seem to be back to normal.
the Blue Magpies (Cyanopica cyanus) are trying to nest everywhere and were driving me insane.
We have had some young Cork Oaks dying and suffering from a disease called "Carvão de entrecasca" (bark charcoal in simple translation) which worries me a fair bit as it is a fungal disease and fairly contagious. we have hundreds of these Oaks, so you may see why it worries me.
as you can see in the photo, it cracks the bark open (the cork) and dries the inside which then turns black, and hence the name. one way to try to contain it is to burn any affected trunk / branch. I will do a limited effort to do this even though we have a no burn approach.
also, I consider trying to cure those trees placing Lakhovsky coils around their trunks.
our recent pond is doing amazingly well and it is being filled from water used in the bath tub (no chemicals used).
you can read about its construction here:
the young Vetiver plants that were recently replanted are establishing well. you can see how much they have grown since their haircut.
you can read more about the Vetiver Grass here:
the Olive trees start budding. this tree is full of flowers even though it was recently pruned.
on the Electroculture front, I have been adding many elements, one of which, inspired by @samstonehill is the small sandpaper cones.
it was a fun and easy project that I enjoyed working on and tried to get the point as close as possible to the recommended 51 degrees.
made about a dozen and spread them all over the place.
This Oldhamii Bamboo struggles with the frosts. he got a cone and has now a fresh healthy new shoot growing.
one of our Pecans, germinating directly in the soil, got a cone for help.
another, from last season, got one too.
this Strawberry plant loved the cone in its midst. overall I observed a notable change in plants that had a cone in their vicinity. on the downside, these cones tend to deteriorate with time due to humidity.
I found that almond trees benefit greatly from the effects of Electroculture. the two above trees are both grown from seed, sawn the same day. with and without a simple antenna.
as soon as I laid my hands on some copper wire, I improvised this antenna. it will later enjoy from a longer post being placed higher for enhanced effect.
experimenting with a hybrid between a Lakhovsky coil and a spiral. patent pending 😂
and lastly, my most daring experiment. a simple Lakhovsky coil that is hanging at the head of my bed, got upgraded today with a Quartz crystal wrapped in Aluminum foil. I have no doubt it will take me places...
I am extremely happy to see our little Electroculture community reaching more people and grateful for @clareartista and @cahlen for their recent posts 🙏
I am daily making the change I want to see in the world.
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this post has been published on April 26th. 2023 at 15:15
Much love!Beautiful, dear @bigorna1 ! I am so glad to be mutually-inspiring you! Your garden looks incredible... I have similar intense problems in my trees, with some big mealy bug that gets sown into the wood, and then chomps all through the core of it... Lots of big cracked bark areas, and debilitated trees altogether... I sense that the solution to something like this would be super-holistic, and know that if I lower the 'jungle' aspects of the wilder part of the garden, this might help a lot. I also feel that tuning into the subtle energies of the 'pest' is powerful work too: finding the totem, or the character of the beast, and making peace with it, or finding its higher purpose. Often I've had issues with e.g. biting insects or the cats being ill, and comuning directly with or researching more deeply the insects in question always helped a lot. I often treat plants and animals with homeopathy too - not that far from electroculture!
I have seen what your video and saw some of the problems you face there.
holistic without a doubt. in your garden, I would look into plants that naturally repel insects.
Rosemary and Lavender are just two such examples.
eventually with or without us, nature always restores the balance when this happens.
sadly, we can not ignore that just as we are, all other beings on earth are under constant attack and are all struggling to survive. thriving is ever more difficult as the media that surrounds us is permanently being poisoned.
big hug to you !Thank you @clareartista ,
Love this, communicating with the spirit!
Wow I really need to get into this electroculture! What would you suggest to start with as a newbie?
And the cones what is the magic trick behind, is it just sandpaper? The quartz?
Awesome article thanks s much for sharing!
there are several techniques that are fairly simple yet effective.
one of which is the Lakhovsky coils, another, the spirals.
they are easy to make and require little material.
the sand paper cones absorb comic radiation based on the pyramid concept. it is important to keep the angle of the point as close as possible to 51 degrees. the abrasive material on sand paper seems to be paramagentic and hence the effect.
I highly recommend trying it out. personally it was yet another way to spiritually connect to the invisible subtle realms that are out of our perceptions reach. seeing the results in our reality reflects what we can not directly perceive.
Thank you for the details! Will dive into it, see how it goes and update here for sure 🌞
And yes the geomagnetic storm hit hard .. like h a r d! Take good rest and enjoy the upgrade 🤗🙏
Great stuff! Love your little tool for measuring 51 degrees. Need to get my hands on one of them. I was doing it by taking a photo and measuring that! Also love the way you are using staples to hold them in place. This makes more sense than glue.
INCREDIBLE evidence with the baby almond trees! The size difference is enormous. That for me was the best shot of this post. And with this in mind I will get a copper coil stick into the ground next to our one almond tree immediately. Many thanks for the hands-on work to demonstrate this.
Great idea to put the crystal in the Lakovsky coil opening. Did you feel any difference in your bed over the last few days?
I thought I was immune to this cosmic storm but yesterday it hit me hard. Why the delay I don't know but I wasn't myself at all. Headache all day, low energy, bit moody. Can still feel the headache this morning in fact. Feels like I need to rest more. Alas, that seems unlikely to happen.
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