GARDEN UPDATE - Landscaping the side area - Australian garden - UPDATE - the area that i hate having to put stones BACK

in HiveGarden3 years ago


Before i get into the side garden progress photos...

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For those that are not following along, we are building a large vegetable garden in the unused area behind the swimming pool. The idea is to be able to grow lots of the veges and herbs that we use and also provide some flowers and a bee haven as well. My husband is keen on hosting bees in the future as well. There are some plans to build a big chicken coop as well but they waiting on hold till the vegetables and fruit are done.

We are clearing the back garden that was very unkempt. Pulling out all the stones, sifting to get the soil out, re preparing the ground underneath, washing the stones. After all that, we are putting them back. On top of this we are building very large garden beds.

The soil we are creating our own as it would be very expensive to bring in. We are making large compost piles in each of the beds (starting with one main one and working down. So far in a couple of months we have made a lot of our own soil. this soil will be so rich and has so far saved us about $500 in soil i am certain. Grass clippings, garden waste and all the food scraps minus a few for the worm bins. (again they are making soil for us too.) Also lots of the cardboard (without plastic and tape).


it was beautiful i guess.... lush and green...

but only yukka palms which are hideous and ALL planted ontop of a RETAINING WALL down to next door. so stupid previous owners... so stupid.

so they HAD to come out which has left a bloody mess.


Just a quick photo of the back garden because this post is about the work in the side garden.


Yes the yukkas keep spouting... we can't kill them... we need to dig them out AGAIN!!

we will be putting straw and melon vines down the back there were the yukkas are...


So this is the pool side where all the palm trees that were destroying the neighbours retaining wall were. well though could have if they got bigger. The root balls were huge. but now they are all gone.


My last post 2 weeks ago showed my husband digging out the corner plants and smashing them all up lol..

Here is the area down to the stumps a few months ago

we had to have them all ground out with a stup grinder. See how close they all are to the pool and the retaining wall... they are like 1/2meter across some of them.

what a mess right... well it gets worse for a bit lol

While i would LOVE to plant down here it isn't really sensible as the retaining wll and pool. we WILL be putting plants down here, but in pots.



Stumps out

Here its is after stump grinding. We realised we would have to sift through all the stones and fix it all up and take out all the roots and the compost stuff.


Digging out the plants in the corner by the step




So my husband put in the besser blocks on the weekend. Today i set about filling in the area above them with stone and clearing out the bottom and filling that with stone as well.

it was a lot of work. It was buckets and buckets of stones for even a small area.




doesn't it look better!!!!

again love to have planted it... but its just risky next to the wall and pool. if the pool overflows the chlorine will kill veges and water on the retaining wall is not myy plan. we will stick to pots here.




Below you can see how far i got / didn't get.. still all the rest to go...

I will be filling the top of the blocks too.. just not yet.


It has been a big effort

Anyway thanks so much for stopping along and reading my posts I am just loving my HIVE experience so far. Such a fun platform for sure.

For those that don't know my i'm currently focusing on Daily painting and somewhat amusing my self and my family with Acrylic pouring.. lol.. i wish i had a separate studio for that as it is so messy.

My other HIVE interests are:

  • cooking
    sunset photography (i take photos of the sky every night)
    Graphic Design
    Gardening (just a smidgion)
    Sewing - I make Tutus and ballet costumes too...

Here are a couple of snaps of some of the stuff i do outside what you see up in the posts above.






Well...that yukka plantation was green I guess XD

not really a plant I associate with lush but I am fussy

It's coming along nicely :)

At least you know it's a retaining wall you're on top of, would be rather unfortunate otherwise if you'd planted it out not realising x_x Given how your pool area seems to be designed I think pots sitting on the gravel would look classier anyway :)

 3 years ago  

Yeah not sure what the previous owners were thinking... i don't have a photo of all the yukkas in the side. There is one photo in there with lots of plants but notice the gaps... they all had big yukka plants in them.

it was really very bad planning.

I d love it all green but i think it is bad for the land there. will plant heaps everywhere else.

Its coming along but boy its a lot of work.... phewww... all to reduce our grocery bill by $50 a week... lol
but its not just the money its creating a green space for bees as well.

thanks for stopping by. as soon as kids are at school i will be right back out there. Mad Hatters Tea Party here for a birthday party in 3 weeks... lol

They must have really liked yukkas O_O

It's not just reducing the grocery bill by $50/week (which when you add it up over a period of time is nothing really to sneeze at unless you're a multibazillionaire)

Bees are great. We have some living in a little bee high rise (stack of beehive box things, still need to put the special box that J bought off a kickstarter that has a tap on it on -_-).

Mad Hatters Tea Party sounds fun XD

Lots of work, but worth it when you're done.

 3 years ago  

Yes it is a BIG 2 year job lol... but it will indeed be worth it when i am done.

thanks for your comment :-)


 3 years ago  

doesn't it look better!!!!

It looks way better, it is very pleasing to look at.