Sowing My First Flower Seeds Of The Season

in HiveGardenlast year


Making My Garden A Beautiful Place

Not EVERYTHING in my garden is a vegetable or herb! I also plant flowers! I plant for both pollinators, and for making my world a little nicer to see. Today, I started some Marigolds (Pretty, AND pollinators like Bees, Butterflys, etc, love 'em!). Also, I planted two kinds of Zinnia, and some Bachelor Buttons (My wife LOVES them!) Over the next four weeks, I have many more flowers to start indoors from seed.

A BIG part is making sure my seed starter is finely sifted. The finer the seed, the finer the seed starting soil I need to use. So, first thing I do, is to SIFT the seed starter!

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(Image is a screen shot of my order for when I bought the classifier)

These SIFTERS are called CLASSIFIERS. The one above, is called 1/4inch Classifier. These come from the Gem and Gold digging community. The classifiers are one inch (sorts out larger stones), 1/2 inch stones, 1/4 inch (what I use) the quarter inch will take my soil and sift out all the bigger bits of stick, wood, etc, that are NOT broken down. That leaves nothing but a fine planting seed starter "soil."


COASTFL Marigolds.jpg


Check out the video, and see how I grow my Flowers from SEED! Let me know, below, are you planting your own flowers, too? My gardens are in Zone 7a/7b New England.

#gardening #garden #gardentips #flowers #seeds #indoorgarden #pollinators #bloom

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MANY Thanks!

This video is a look at HOW I sow my flower seeds!

Most of you know, I prefer to grow my own food, locally. It's healthier for my family, and for the planet. I know what goes into my foods, and what chemicals are NOT in my food. Also, It cuts down on carbon emissions, less trucking, planes, trains, and boats, to get fresh foods to my table.

And that makes me smile... better for the planet, better for my own family.

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid24 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy Gardening and Cheers,

All Images by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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Are you growing and gardening? Are you participating in GroVid24? use the hashtag #growvid24 for your gardening posts, too!


love love love zinnias, but my favourites are the marigolds - the proper old fashioned Calendula. I just had to look up "Batchelor Buttons" - and I think your wife would have loved our garden last year - I planted them everywhere - and we had everything from the classic blue to whites, pinks and deep purples that were almost black.

do you ever make tea with the Marigolds/ Calendula?

Nope - never tried that - is it nice?

I'm really not much of a tea guy. I like black tea. That's about it.

Aren't you the real Green Man? You grow your foods, and I find that really resourceful and intentional.

I have learned a little more about gardens today. Never heard of many things here before, like marigolds.

Marigolds are awesome flowers that attract bees! AND bees are the most important part of a garden... they help pollinate, and make more plants grow food, veggies, and fruits

I love it! Zinnias and Echinacea are my favorites and, of course, attracts a lot of pollinating visitors.

we have LOTS of Echinacea all around. Purple, Orange, Yellow, lots... and it attracts so many cool small song birds each fall...

@calendulacraft that image is my front of the house!

Notes to self 1) get a classifier 2) research humidity dome 3) get a #2 lavender pencil 😂🤣😂

#2 is the most important part of life, right?
Feel free to click the link in the video description for a classifier.
AND, many of the big box stores have the seed starter tray w/ clear plastic cover, for humidity dome.


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Staying healthy is the goal. Love the way you are careful about what you eat, the way you plant what you eat, and like you said you know everything that’s used to make your food and there’s no chemical to it.

Reading your blog post about plants and vegetables made me picture my own garden when I have my own house. Staying healthy is wealth.