Finally, some vegetables to eat

in HiveGarden3 years ago

After a long and cool Spring, I finally have some vegetables ready to eat.


I made a warm spinach salad with a turnip, radish, onions, green onion, two kinds of lettuce, some cabbage, Swiss chard, and some bok choy.

Although spinach is often eaten raw in a salad with other raw leaves, I prefer to cook it. I can't quite help it that I am weird and throw heaps of cooked vegetables into a salad. I find it more flavourful this way AND it allows me to eat more spinach than I could if it was raw---more vitamins!


This is my turnip and spinach lightly sauteed in some butter---because I am not afraid of the good things in life. I want to eat the butter while I still can.

What about you? Are your vegetables late this year? What are you growing?


Bon appetit, looks delicious. so far i have been able to harvest rabarb, currants, onions and strawberries

You are definitely ahead of me! My rhubarb is not even ready yet--although I did transplant it this year. I got a few strawberries, but it has been almost impossible for me to establish strawberry plants that will survive over the winter. I managed a baby onion, though. In another month I should have currants--hopefully.

Looks tasty, I'd eat it, LOL! Wilting spinach in butter is a good way to add flavor. The turnips sound good too, even though I eat those raw too. Garlic, onion, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes here; but not really planting much yet.


It has been quite cool this year so things are slow. I still have only had 2 little turnips. Stuff is coming along though.

It's slow up your way, but I'm still pulling for you too! I know your garden will fix you up soon.

Stay warm!
