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RE: Growing Native Plants

in HiveGarden3 years ago

This is a different kind of sage than the one used for cooking poultry. That is garden sage. It should be a perennial where you live, so plant it once and it will keep coming back. Actually, most of the herbs should come back for you--rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, lavender, etc. You should have all of these planted on your homestead.


Got seeds for them all, plan on a pharmacology garden at the homestead; for when healthcare fails totally. Here in Tulsa a woman was denied medical care, be asked on her politics and religious it's coming!


What about her healthcare and political beliefs caused her to be denied healthcare?

They didn't deny her healthcare, they just tried to kill her after she got in the hospital. The dark underbelly of socialized medicine, in the UK the refusal is direct...they send you home at the magic age; here they offer hospitals a bonus to kill those old enough and sick enough. They thought they'd get away with that with My love! The refused to feed her for 2 weeks, which left her in a coma. I forced feeding by threat of lawsuit; and by climbing every doctor and nurse I met up ike a tree! I'm sure they Still hate my guts....

As soon as she was fed again, she came around. Then they tried to convince her that I would be better off, if she died!!!!🤬😡 They sent her home on hospice, She is better now!

The other Lady I mentioned, is a minister to the indigent. She refused the vaccine, on religious grounds; and they forced her to leave...sick and untreated!

The socialists in 1930's Germany refused medical treatment to political enemies; and the socialists in DC are copying their game plans. The simply are substituting Christians for Jews, and building their camps! Your government is following closely, so watch out.
