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RE: Garden Journal Newsletter: Comment Edition [You Can Win Hive for Joining In!]

in HiveGarden3 years ago

That's not fair! Only ONE?
Coriander? Because .... well it's just amazing. Deliciously so.
Although if you were to ask my family they would probably say wormwood. I dish it out willy nilly much to everyone's disgust. Human and animal alike. My husband came down with tickbite fever the day after we married. I lovingly fed him wormwood. A decade down the line he still backs away nervously when I turn in the direction of my wormwood bushes....

 3 years ago  

🤣 I've heard it doesn't taste good. I feel like I get a sceptical look every time I give my hubby something and tell him to drink it.

Oh you have my sympathy....and your hubby will definitely have my hubby's!!!

 3 years ago  

Ahaha for the wormwood! Such a usual plant. I LOVE coriander on EVERYTHING and let it self seed willy nilly.

 3 years ago  

Oh my @buckaroobaby your poor hubby and terrible timing. I didn't know that you can get rid of tickbite fever with wormwood. I've been really lucky and never had it even though when working in the environmental sector I got bitten by millions of them (ok fine that's hyperbole. Thousands is more like it).

He clearly has attached the wormwood to the entire experience of the illness. I feel like that with ginger. My mom used to make me drink warm ginger water when I had a tummy upset. It totally spoiled ginger for me. Now I can't even smell ginger flavour med lemon and I want to puke.

Coriander is a great choice. The fact that they self seed and will continue self propagating for years is just so rewarding.

Ginger sadly has been spoiled for many people because of similar well meaning remedies. My husband also turns green when I take out the ginger. Which is a problem because, mixed with other spices it makes an amazing chai tea or stew. You can try lemon and peppermint for a tummy bug. They have such a wonderfully fresh taste and smell, which ginger does not!