Oh no! A sulky, starving hen! Who would've thought. Our chickens barely have a blip when they are molting. In fact I have to check hard to make sure they are. I wonder why your hen suffers so badly?! Does she hunger strike for long? As for that onion! WOAH! Gardens looking good @minismallholding even if you have a chicken with .... can it also be called pms? Pathetic molt syndrome?
Haha, I love it! Pathetic Moult Syndrome!
Some of the hens replace their feathers at the same rate they lose them, so I have to look closely at them to see if they are too. Our girl Cocoa, on the right is like that. She even continues to lay through winter, albeit at a slower rate.
I think Ginger eats the odd bit while moulting, but I'm used to her stuffing her face and chasing everyone away from HER food, normally, so it stands out. It goes on for a few weeks and it's taken me a few years to stop worrying about her for it.
You haven't seen the jungle part! Which is actually on purpose. 😆
We don't have badly behaved and selfish hens like you, our turkey hen makes sure she keeps them in line! She has SUCH a bad attitude if she weren't our only turkey hen I would probably relocate her (into the freezer) to give the chicken hens a break. Your Cocoa is gorgeous! I love that name. I had a goat with that name.
Haha! Sounds like she rules with an iron claw. Ginger is actually our head hen, so she probably thinks it's her prerogative to have all the food. Cocoa is pretty and she looks kind of cute, but she doesn't like us at all. She'll only come nearish to me if she thinks I might have food. If I manage to catch her (not easy) and hold her, she'll resign herself to it, begrudgingly.
I had a hen with a really bad attitude who got relocated to the freezer before she ended up killing the new pullets. I've never seen anything like it before or since. It was like she had a grudge.
That's terrible! Would she really kill them? We have one (nameless) hen who is an amazing mother. But that is simply because she threatens to gut anything that comes near her babies. We gave her a couple turkey eggs to hatch, because our turkey is having NO success. Needless to say those "babies" are now towering over mama hen but we never get to cuddle them because we fear her fury!
Aww! She sounds amazing. We once gave some of our fertile eggs to a friend whose pekin frizzle was broody. Only one hatched and it was a standard rooster, so he was already bigger than her before he was mature. Apparently she'd call him up onto the roost with her at night and try to drape her wing over him even though he was bigger.
That hen really was out to kill them. She was bottom of the pecking order and apparently rresentful of it. Once the chicks are old enough to come off heat I'll put them in a cruiser in the run for them to all get used to each other. The chicks would poke their heads under a little gap underneath and she'd peck any she saw like she was playing whack-a-mole. She didn't settle down at all, so when I released them into the main run I kept an eye on things and she'd got some cornered and was going at them. Usually the hens will give a quick peck to tell them their place and leave it at that, but not this one.
So she deserved to be roasted! I hope you didn't get indigestion