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RE: Weeds!

in HiveGardenlast month

Another beautiful post, another "late to the party" with me, but I love it.
Even when you declare garlic mustard deserves space in your yard (I believe you may have recanted on that one?), and even if an invader like the endearing yellow birdsfoot trefoil wins you over.
Ok, you know me, and you know the drill. :)

Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) was introduced to the United States for livestock forage and erosion control. It grows well in the Midwest and is most problematic in prairies and disturbed open areas, such as roadsides, where it forms dense mats that shade and chokes out native vegetation.

Well, you're not in the Midwest.
You inspire me with your gardening (and cooking!) and I wanna be like you!
(Still a work in progress)

 last month  

I pull up garlic mustard by the roots the minute I lay eyes on it. I should have listened to you! Fortunately, it is not as prevalent at my new home, just here and there it shoots up and, since my yard is so small, it doesn't last long once I see it.