breakfast with panorama

in HiveGarden3 years ago


Dear Hive Garden friends

This morning I breakfasted in this beautiful locale - very delicious mulberries, minimal cost of maintenance and loving care of the tree and surrounding area.... incredible view, and lovely symbiotic sense of belonging in Nature...


The abundance of fruit on this fast-growing tree is quite impressive... each day now, so many berries ripen to dark deliciousness, and I eat my fill 🙏 - leaving some for the wildlife always...




It feels so wonderfully healthy to break the fast in this way, and I am very excited that soon I'll also be feasting on FIGS! Such a glorious reward for having so laboriously cleared and cared for the gardens this year! I Am Rich! 😍💝💖🌟


You can see the mulberry tree down below in this last photo, with the ladder under it.

Blessings on your gardens today!


What an idyllic landscape! 🤗

Isn't it: a great alternative to meditation - just glancing down into the valley and taking in the majestic wholeness of it.... re-aligns the soul! 🤩😍

Lovely! And indeed a great way to 'break fast'. The garden rewarding you for you time and care.

Yes - heavenly breakfast is common atvthis time of year here - this morning I feasted on cherries from a neighbour! 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒😍🤩 Nice to have your comment here, dear @adventurousnerd ! How is Hive going for you? Blessings on your day!

Thank you @clareartista. Slight delay with my Hive content (due to travel) but will be starting next week. Can't wait!

Such a blessing indeed!

I really hope I can stay at this place, till my baby peaches are ripe enough to eat but, if not, I am sure I will manifest some beautiful fruit trees in my new place


Aw, I hope so for you too, Vincent.... It's so powerful to eat what you've invested energy in. At the same time, it's entirely possible that an even bigger peach tree awaits you in a next house! ❤️ I've always hated to leave a garden I've worked on - but am working/ evolving my way to bigger and more complex gardens, over the years 💚💚💚💚🍒🍓🍇🥔🍅🌽🍠🥕