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RE: Food glorious food

in HiveGarden8 months ago

That’s a wonderful garden you’ve got there! I love the dome! Eventually we are going to get our own place and I will have to keep the dome in mind because it is indeed a very good way to grow food in conditions that are not as friendly as one would like. Granted I’m not in Ireland or Northern Europe but still.

There’s a lot of fuckery afoot in governance around the world, I know that we will need our own gardens as much as possible to push back against the insidious nature of it all. Good on you for growing and storing a bunch of your stuff!

It’s been a while since I’ve had a lemon cucumber, those yellow round ones. They taste good! My brother grew them in the garden at my parents house years ago.

Keep up the excellent work!


I'd thoroughly recommend a dome. There's so much space to grow and even in winter, it's always a few degrees warmer than outside. On a sunny winter's day, you can get out your deck chair, unfreeze your cucumber juice and pretend it's summer.

There's fuckery afoot indeed and it's everywhere and on a grand scale. We're very rural here, off-grid with our own power and water and produce most of our food besides flour and raw milk from neighbouring farmers. Barring some extreme weather event or a zombie apocalypse, we should be ok:)

I love the Crystal Apple cucumbers but I've never seen them for sale here. Only the generic long green ones appear in shops and markets.

Cheers for the visit.