Hello nature lovers, I hope your orchards and gardens are holding up well this season, I am excited for the arrival of March which is the time to renew the vegetable garden in @vida.verde
Germination time:
Days of #gardenjournal there is a lot of work behind the beautiful and delicious fruits we manage to harvest and it all starts with germination.
It's time to germinate new plants I wanted to do it a little earlier, but I remembered that last year I did it in February and the cold weather at night this season did not give me good results, it killed the little seedlings, now that the temperature has risen a little I'm more confident.
Now everything is very dry and full of dust, even the grass did not resist this cold. The fruit trees are growing happily and from the last cold wave resistance there are only 2 basil, 2 tomato plants and some aromatic and medicinal plants left.
Today I started germinating the seeds I had at home: Tomatoes, red and green peppers, lettuce, cabbage, chives, watercress and basil. Soon I will be sowing other plants.
This time my dear kitties helped me especially the protagonist of the photo, I put the seeds and she put her paw in it until she thought that the recycled container I used to germinate watercress was a litter box ....jajaja .You know cat stuff. Good thing I was there.
I still have a long way to go to germinate and prepare the edible garden, I have to prepare the soil in the raised beds, do general maintenance on the fruit trees and the planting areas for short crops.
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This year for the first time I will be planting carrots and onions in the raised beds, we must also prepare the land for our ancestral “Conuco” planting. I will be happy to share this with the community.
I hope you are as happy as I am for the arrival of March, a great month!
ESP version (click here)
Tiempo de germinar para renovar la Huerta en Vida Verde🍃
Hola amantes de la naturaleza, espero que sus huertos y jardines esten resistiendo bien esta temporada, yo esto emocionada por la llegada de marzo que es el tiempo de renovar la Huerta en @vida.verde
Tiempo de Germinar:
Dias de #gardenjournal hay mucho trabajo detrás de los hermosos y deliciosos frutos que logramos cosechar y todo inicia por la germinación.
Es tiempo para germinar nuevas plantas queria hacerlo un poco antes, pero recorde que el año pasado lo hice en febrero y el clima frío en las noches de esta temporada no me dio buenos resultados, mato a las pequeñas plantulas, ahora que subido un poco la temperatura estoy mas confiada.
Ahora todo esta super seco y lleno de polvo.Ni la grama resistió este frío. Los arboles frutales si van creciendo felices y de las ultima resistencia de la oleado de frío quedaron solo 2 albahacas, 2 plantas de tomates y algunas aromaticas y medicinales.
Hoy inicie por germinar las semillas que tenia en casa germine: Tomates, Pimentos rojo y verde, lechuga, repollo, cebollin, berro y albahaca. Pronto estare sembrando otras plantas.
Esta vez mis queridos gatitos me ayudaron en especial la protagonista de la foto , yo ponia la semillas y ella la patita hasta que penso que el envase reciclado que use para germinar berro de agua era una caja de arena ....jajaja . Ya saben cosas de gatos. Menos mal que yo estaba allí.
Aun me falta mucho por germinar y preparar el jardin comestible, hay que preparar la tierra de los bancales elevados, hacer mantenimiento general en los arboles frutales y la zonas de siembra de cultivos cortos.
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Este año por primera vez sembrare zanahoria y cebolla en los bancales elevados, tambien debemos preparar el terreno para nuestra siembra ancestral del "Conuco". Me encantara compartir esto con la comunidad.
Espero estén tan felices como yo por la llegada del Marzo, un gran mes !!
Carmen Victoria Turmero
I am audiovisual producer, nature lover, creator of the Ecovillage and Community Vida Verde , passionate about travel and architecture. | ![]() |
Oh, I also did germenation yesterday!
Happy gardening!
Wonderful germination time happy March gardening !!! 🌞🍃
Very good planting, varied and exquisite, I would like to have my own garden, only that the land and the weather have not helped much haha hopefully those seeds germinate super well 😊
Maybe you can start something small. I'm sure you'll love it, it's a great experience to be able to grow your own veggies!
Llegó Marzo y con el tiempo de germinar y preparar la huerta 😍💚
#Hive #ocd #post
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