Hi Jackie, I didn't realize it until I saw some of the photos from the previous posts. The garden may always be a work in progress but it makes me happy to be there daily. It was the fermented fruit juice that attracted other insects 😔 but neem oil is helping me keep the damage under control.
It's hard to nail the moving date, there are so many factors to consider and plans keep changing. Wishing you a happy weekend too.
It is probably because you are right in the middle of it. That you sometimes don’t see the changes. Like you did with your garden. Outsiders do see it quicker. It has changed so much. Lovely to see. It will be ever changing though 😊🥰
Ok… understand now. It was the fruit juice. Need oil is great, for many things.
Sunny here this weekend. Better weather is coming. Thank you so much @discoveringarni 👋🏻😊