I love hollyhocks and do you know, I don't have one in this house? None. I did a big planting ten days ago, and we had no winter whatsoever again... and after having the Tuesday being in the 70-80 range for weeks and weeks and weeks, it snowed. Snowed. Yes. snowed. It cleared up before it hit the ground, almost. Then three days later, we had three days of freezing temps. almost all day.
It did this to my just blooming cherry tree. :( Killed off a lot of plants that were just coming up. Perennials, so they'll be back.
Le sigh.
Starting again. Again.
Your garden is enviable! ❤️
OH NO! I always get a little squirrely when it's unseasonably warm for precisely that reason, there always seems to be ah ha late snow storm or freeze that wipes out a bunch of beautiful blooms and blossoms. Ugh!
But like you said, they'll be back Well, at least the perennials....
I wish I could just give you a Hollyhock, they are so much fun to take like 300 pictures of, and you take the most beautiful plant pics, I know you'd get the best shots.