We are back in France for a week, and thought it would be a good idea to show around all the magnificent trees and plant that we had in our garden in Spain.
We will return to Spain next week, in the meantime we are braving the cold here in the Gers countryside, while drinking a hot coco cup with warm slippers 😄 on.
I am using an app to figure out what is what, and this one is supposedly "Chinese Persimmon", maybe it's just normal Persimmon, I call it Kaki in France, it looks very similar.
The fruit has the same texture as kaki, for those that are familiar with it. In all honesty, it's not my favourite taste, kakis...
But I am no haters, everything is worth a try!
Jacky chilling...
I wasn't at all familiar with the carob tree, and I am sure our friends from Spain on Hive will tell us more about that fascinating tree, but from what I understand, they grow only in dry regions, are drought resistants, you can use their wood as timber, and consume their pods that they produce.
When I say consume, there is a loooong extended list of what you can do with the pod, from medecine, hot beverage to replace coffee as it act as a stimulant and contain no caffeine, it also can replace chocolate, it can be used as an antiviral, analgesic, and even a stress relief. Cool right?
Uknown Palm Tree
It says "Valencia Orange" on the app, but I am pretty sure it's a lime.
This is a Loquat, "a large evergreen shrub or tree, grown commercially for its orange fruit and for its leaves, which are used to make herbal tea. It is also cultivated as an ornamental plant." src
You can apparently eat the fruit on its own, in fruit salads, or make tea with the leaves? I don't know, I am just reading Wikipedia.
Aaah? Also a light wine, that's my jam right here...Speaking of which you can probably make a jam out of the fruit too.
You classic olive tree, there's a few on the property.
App says Lemon Tree, I am like "aight cool".
Lavender-leaved Rockrose
The app here just says "Lemon", I have no idea how lemon flowers look like, so I'll trust it.
A beautiful Palm Tree
Sweet Bay Leave, it's used to stimulate bile flow. Yikes...I don't want to read more about it, let's move on.
Foxtail Agave, very pretty. Apparently the sap is midly poisonous. My first thought is "how much poisonous are we talking about, and what are the effects?" 😊
Where is my succulent squad at? If you got some info, just drop your knowledge in the comments.
Another Loquat tree!
No idea, just a pretty cactus!
That was cool to look around the garden, see some different trees from the one we are used to in our farm. I guess now I should do the same thing in France, take a few picutes of the grow, and post it next week. We have at least a dozen butternuts, and so many potatoes to dig out. I am thinking of leaving them in the ground until December when we come back, they are actually quite protected in the soil.
And here is a picture when we crossed the border to France last Monday. We will be crossing it again at the end of the week for our last leg of our stay in Spain, up until the end of December. If it's confusing, don't worry hahaha for me too.
I don't have my own garden in Spain as I'm living in an apartment, but I do like to walk along gardens, almost on daily basis... Speaking of favorite trees, I have to admit that among "old trees", I prefer carob trees over olives... It's incredible what kind of shapes, ages, and "almost dead" carob trees you can find... I like when I see an old log, and on the side, I spot how carob branches are still growing! Also, I like the smell of the pods... 😍
Maybe I have these feelings as, when I was a child, my mom was preparing pasta with ground/minced carob! So simple, so tasty, with many beautiful memories of childhood... :)
Thanks for sharing these awesome photos! I enjoyed in this mini-tour... :)
I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!
Oh my goodness that's such an awesome story, thanks for sharing! Yes, the smell of the pods is so unique.
For me, it's such a peculiar tree, as I don't recall see anything like it. It reminded me a little bit of the trunk of the Baobab, except the top of the baobab isn't as verdant.
Your place looks serene with all the plants/trees you've just shown us. Do you have someone who maintains all these? It must be a tough work especially during summer. Heh 😁
Hahaha yes there is someone taking care of it, we're just renting it for a few months. It's really clean, and very well maintained.
Much more clean that our farm in France hahaha. 😄
It is a very nice garden with nice plants and trees. Carob I read that they use the carob pod powder to make
vegan collagen. And your lemon tree flowers? yes, they are lemon flowers some get white and some begin with purple colors. First time I had seen the fruits on a bay leaf tree. nice post. greetings 😊
VEgan collagen? Oh I didn't know! That's interesting.
I also didn't know that lemon trees flowers could have different colors.
As for the sugar bay leaf, I am not too sure neither! 😄 Cheers!
Looks lovely. I have a loquat I planted for the shade but never use the fruit. They always fruit just as the frost hits and kills them. Stupid tree.
Stupid Tree indeed, what is wrong with you, Tree?
Almost as stupid as Kakis, with their stupid textures...
And stupid rabbits and stupid rain, here.
My cat caught an hare and proceeded to eat its skull. Must be the full moon.
I had an existential crisis this morning. I realised when I'm dead and gone rabbits will dance on my grave.
Hahaha they look cool though!
THey'll probably water the plants also...
That's quite the garden. Pretty much everything that one wouldneed to make all sorts of tea, at the very least. That's awesome 👌
Sup bro! You good? Yeah man, come to think of it, even lemon tea leaves , bay leaves, you're so right!
Haha yeah.
Lemon is a great tree to have I think. Lemons are so versatile
Versatile in my Gin and tonic you mean...
Exactly 💯