Greetings dear readers, I hope you are enjoying an excellent day. Today I show you how to make a collection of eggplant seeds, which is very common in the food of Venezuelans.

Eggplant can be found in the markets of the city of Cumaná. There are varieties of this vegetable, among which stand out those of intense purple color, which are characterized by having a bitter taste. However, there are also white, yellow and green eggplants, the latter are very little known, unlike the former, these have a more pleasant taste to the palate. Although I like them in all their types, especially because they are very versatile due to the number of preparations that can be made with them.

I am growing it for the first time, so I am going to detail how I collected the seeds. I consider that harvesting this vegetable is an excellent option because it helps to combat digestion problems, it also helps to regulate cholesterol, and because it is low in calories it is ideal for the diet.

The collection of eggplant seeds begins with the collection of ripe fruits on the plant. They are left to rest for 5 days in a cool place. Subsequently, the eggplants are cut with a knife, making sure that the cut is superficial without touching the seeds so as not to damage them, as it will be detrimental to germination. Then, very carefully, using your fingers, remove them. And they are placed on paper, preferably white, whose surface is clean. This step serves to identify them better and to guarantee good seeds.

Once extracted, they are dried in sunlight for 2 hours. Then, they are left in the shade for 2 days. Once the suggested time has passed or elapsed, we can start planting our green eggplant. It is worth mentioning that this is an endangered species, hence the importance of preserving this plant and its fruit. So we are on the right track.

With the appropriate materials, scales and weight, I made the valuation of the amount of seeds collected. I could appreciate that from a medium size eggplant can come out between 800 and 1100 seeds. In this opportunity, I collected 3900 seeds, product of four eggplants. Patience is a great virtue and when you do this procedure you have to put it into practice, for me the time passes very quickly because I enjoy the activity.

I am happy with this process, every minute invested is worth it when you want to achieve satisfactory results, hence being meticulous has its advantages. Of course, then comes the care, a daily task that also brings me pleasure, I hope to show the progress soon.

When we are dedicated to gardening we find satisfaction in every sprout. I love to study about agriculture and thus improve the conditions of each harvest. In the family garden I have planted several seeds and we have been able to enjoy the benefits of mother nature, with the eggplant I hope it will be the same. In this way, I will share the fruits with my family and we will get together to make a delicious eggplant pasticho, nothing better than savoring the success of hard work.
✓Photos from my personal gallery.
✓Text translated with DeepL.