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RE: Early May Garden Journal : What is Growing and What we have Modestly Implemented

in HiveGarden2 years ago

Beautiful photos!

To me, there is something quite magical about an unkept garden. Not that I am calling your garden unkept, LOLZ! I am just referring to what you said about just "letting things be" instead of actually doing anything. I prefer to allow nature to do its thing most of the time and I put my focus on minor tweaking here and there. Not really a big fan of perfectly manicured gardens, unless visiting them at some kind of estate or public gardens haha!

The onion flower is beautiful! Another unsuspecting and yet equally gorgeous bloom is that of the leek! It really is quite breathtaking!

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much ! Yes, I also prefer to let it go a bit, not because I'm lazy, but also because I'm not a control freak ^^ I must prefer symbiosis to order ! Maybe also that I'm French so I prefer gardens in the English style haha !

I hope you had a good week, take good care a enjoy your weekend 🌱 😇

Maybe also that I'm French so I prefer gardens in the English style haha !

Well you know what they say.... we always like what is not ours - like if we have curly hair, we want straight hair. If we have brown eyes, we want green eyes, LOLZ!

Happy Monday! :)

 2 years ago  

Exactly, I agree with you :)

But finally, I tend think that with my character, wherever I come from, I always prefer the wildest (even if it's well-tended) to the most ordered gardens ^^!

like if we have curly hair, we want straight hair. If we have brown eyes, we want green eyes

Lol ! Where did you find this so accurate description of my girlfriend 😂 ?!?

Have a good weekend ahead, take care ✌️

Lol ! Where did you find this so accurate description of my girlfriend 😂 ?!?

hahaha!!! A prevalent female problem lol