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RE: From one succulent to 25+ in seconds (A guide about how to enlarge your collection of succulents at home)

in HiveGardenlast year

You've got to love vegetative reproduction - succulents make it so damn easy for us, I love this about them.

I see your Venus Fly Trap as well, looking very happy. Mine died, I'm rather gutted about that tbh.

Have you tried to find others in your area that also have baby succulents of different varieties? Maybe you can swap some out with them to diversify your collection. You did a good job documenting the entire process 🙂


Hell yeah! I love how easy it is the whole reproduction process on succulents, and honestly I didn't expect to end the experiment with so many, lol!

I did want to get some more species of echeveria to diversify the collection but that didn't happen yet. Maybe I should look into this a lot more seriously ☺️

As for the Venus trap, I feel you! I thought I would lose mine as well at least for 3 times in the last two years since I have it. It's a plant that it's so weird to maintain and discover her needs that one day might look normal and the other one don't. I know they have their hibernating necessity when should be put in the fridge during the winter season, period within they will lose most of the leaves and seem like being dead, but once the hibernation process ends and they are taken out of fridge, they bloom incredibly beautiful and give born to a lot of new healthy traps.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a valuable comment! 🤗

Hope you have a lovely weekend! 🙏🏻