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RE: Weeds!

in HiveGarden7 months ago

We witnessed, first hand, how important "weeds" are to the ecosystem. The city stopped treating the grass in the park behind our building with herbicide this year. In the spring we had one of the largest dandelion blooms I've seen since my childhood. As we've been feeding the squirrels this summer we've noticed the honeybees are coming back in numbers I haven't seen since we've moved to this part of town (2018). I guess the hives rely on that early pollen from the dandelions to strengthen their population after the long winter and when we treat our lawns it starves them of that early food supply. It's amazing how resilient nature is if we just give it a chance. We've gone from seeing 1 or 2 bees all summer to seeing an entire field of them buzzing around.

 7 months ago  

Yes! I wish more municipalities would stop spraying their grassy areas. Health would improve! Why did the city stop treating the weeds? Did people object? There would be a tax savings. Next we have to stop the fluoride in municipal water.

Dandelions are a very early food source for both bees and humans. Super useful and important plant. It's pretty too. I have no idea why it's so reviled, except that it destroys the much less interesting grass it grows in.

I want bees to find my yard right at the beginning of the season, and for them to put my little plot on their flight paths early. I'm having an excellent year in the veggie garden this year, as if I have to do less work for more food. Ruth Stout style! I love her. I think you were the one who introduced her to me, no?

I wish they would too. The results we've seen have been nothing short of miraculous. This park is just has the footprint of one square city block and we're seeing bees up to 4-5 blocks away from it. I'm unsure as to why they stopped spraying it but I'd guess it's because of budget shortfalls. Fluoride is a huge toxin! We use a Burkey water filter for our drinking water and also have one on our shower. The fluoride calcifies the human pineal gland, among other things.

Like so many other things the lawn chemical and equipment industry have sold the public on the concept of the pristine, English-style lawn and by doing so created a market to sell their poisons. Sad, it's a matter changing peoples' perceptions of what an ideal yard should look like. A lot of the younger generations are planting native plants in their yards, and using low growing green mosses, instead of maintaining a lawn. The moss is a nice option because they don't have to be cut. Our son plans to plant moss instead of grass when he buys his first house.

You have the right idea and I wish there were more people like you. I, honestly, don't remember mentioning Ruth but I've read lots about her methods so I might have! How I miss my garden! We nearly put an offer in on a house we looked at yesterday. We thought we'd "sleep on it" and woke up this morning and saw someone had already submitted an offer contingent on inspection.

 7 months ago  

That's how it often goes,I'm afraid. You can make an offer, and sleep on it before you sign any contracts can't you? The good news is that you are on the move!

This is the route we'll take the next time, for sure. The prices are so inflated we don't want to get into a bidding war but we might get lucky! When it's meant to be I think it'll work out. This one was nearly perfect yesterday though other than being a tad too big. We've definitely found location we want to be in, close to the city but with a small town feel.