Dehydrating parsley

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Got a big harvest of parsley the other day some of the pieces are bigger then my hand and have stalks as big as my pinky fingers around. It did pretty damn well this year we had a pretty good mix of rain and heat tho, last year was dry as fuck and hardly any rain and the year before was a bloody monsoon and no heat so it was a good grow season this year. One of the best and easiest herbs to grow, simply keep it watered and it does its thing and it usable in a array of dishes. i put it in trays and put in dehyrator at 90 degrees f for 48 hours then crush it and put it in airtight containers and it keeps for well over a year and stays fresh, im still using stuff i did last summer currently so.







I have never tried growing parsley but have had to buy it before so might plant a bit in the herb garden next year and try this. We have a pretty big dehydrator that doesn't get used as much as it should.