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RE: Garden space #4

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Lol yea a 90 degree change would be a hell of a system shocker, here sometimes it will be minus 50 one day then minus 10 the next day and it goes back and forth like that and that is a system shocker on its own and leaves you feeling like crap. thanks for all the votes on comments and stuff btw... i wish everyone on here was as generous with voting lol i got a few posts that wont make payout as it sits which is slightly off putting. things have changed alot since i last used the site 2 years ago, took a break after we had our daughter and recently started using it again as financials are sorta a mess and back in the day when steemit started up over 4 years ago i had actually made and cashed out quite a large sum off the site, almost 10K enough to get new equipment for my landscaping business and expand

 3 years ago  

yeah its a funny platform... i spend 20 hours making a video that earns $3 and then my last post with a few fancy votes that gets $140 ???

but keep making quality content and your audience will know that your posts are "worth a vote" when they see it.

Glad you managed to get some equipment for your business. I'm hoping to get some more hive over next few weeks and hopefully that is a good plan.

happy hive blogging to you.


I miss when it was just good old steemit. One platform and a handful of hashtags.. now theres soooo many platforms built on top... and now with communitys rather then just hashtags it gets slightly confusing