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RE: Bromeliads: a new one and updates on the older plants

in HiveGarden3 years ago

you have an awesome bromeliad collection there!! I loved them. I have a neoregelia too (the first one you show) and I haven't managed to get the plant to bloom :( It gets little sun and is completely green. I have a pineapple too and its leaves are really thin haha, guess I don't have good hand for bromeliads xD

 3 years ago  

I got curious about bromeliad flowers and went to read more: it seems that they flower only once in their lives and then they die, such plants are called monocarpic so it can be a while before they bloom and in your case, the pup will not cause the death of the mother plant but it's good that it is making pups because then you will have others once it does flower. I think that my first neoregelia probably got a little too much sun to make it so pink.
Pineapples like warmth but not too much sun, I have to be careful that my plants aren't cooked. This is why I grow them in pots, so I can move them as needed. Thinner leaves are not such a bad thing

Thanks!! It means I still have hope to see it flowering!! The pineapple I planted it for experiment and I really didn't thought it was going to grow!! Iguess I just have to let it do its magic ;)

 3 years ago  

Yes! Pineapples take 2 years before they flower