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RE: Reorganising my houseplants

in HiveGarden21 days ago

Yes, I have quite a few Pilea. They grow like crazy. The bigger plants grow smaller plants like crazy. I seperated them from the mother plant and put them in their own pots. But the mother plant already has new babies now and I don't have any more place for more Pilea in my house, so I'm not going to repot those.

Sorry to hear your houseplants are unhappy. Do you know what to do about it?
Else Planty might help for you too.

 21 days ago  

Really they all just need bigger pots. I managed to do one today!

And yes, maybe that's why Pilea is called friendship plant. Because you have so many offshoots and in order to at least try and get rid of them you have to give them away to everybody! We are the custodians of one plant that still belongs to my sister, I think. But it became 2. We stopped there.