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RE: Growth and development - G-dog's vegetable garden

in HiveGardenlast year

Gardening is a little relaxing and good for the health in other ways I think, one of the reasons I do it. If I'm not feeling so good I go out there and potter around and before long I'm feeling better; nature is healing I guess.

I don't mind your hydroponic idea. Great plan really. Maybe that could be a project you work on, the research and all, then determine if it's viable and then getting it going. It's something to think about.


Yeah, it is just a thought for now. We have some time to think more on it and lots of time over the winter to make it happen. I agree, something about plants, trees and just nature in general is relaxing.

I'd like to do an hydroponic set up but I don't have room inside so it would need to be outside. One of my clients used to do lettuce that way, so tasty! If only I didn't have to work, I'd have time to do all these things.