Well, well, well! Here we are at the Garden Journal Wrap up for July, and what a turn out we had! I must admit I had little idea what I was in for when I agreed to do this wrap up post; there were far more entries than I had expected there to be!
I see passion in every single one of your gardens. Who would be out there in the sun, slaving away day after day, then coming back inside to toil away at a computer to fashion a post, unless they were passionate about gardening? I know that you experience moments of bliss and wonder as you search your squash vines for the first tiny squash, or spy a ripening banana. You have moments of ruthlessness when you murder your first Japanese beetle, crush a slug, or rip out a plant that doesn’t quite please you. You all love serving your home grown foodstuffs to those you love. If you’re like me, and I know most of you are, you have onslaughts of FEELINGS while you are in your gardens. I know you find a lot of surprises there.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I'm the one giving out the prizes here. I had to evaluate whether or not your post was worthy of consideration for a prize, which has left me a bit judgy. I would like to take a moment to let you know what I value in a post.
The posts I find interesting are those that explore feelings and surprises, show losses and failures to us with humor, and display the gardener's lessons and innate understandings - posts that delve not only into the soil, but also into the soul. I don't want to see umpteem photos of the same thing over and over again, especially selfies! Some of us might remember that there used to be a limit of ten photos per post for this challenge. That was hard to accomplish, but it made for a more enjoyable post because the reader didn't have to spend a lot of time scrolling through photos. In addtion, the author had to be more selective, give more thought to what they would publish, and perhaps produce a more interesting post.
Because I hoped to read and upvote every single entry, I'm afraid I had to set some sound criteria for a post to be considered an entry, or I would still be reading them all. So, if your post was published after the deadline, did not use the tag #gardenjournal, or did not mention that your post was an entry, it will not appear in this wrap up.
first tag, which would make producing this wrap up post a tad easier; if I am to do this wrap up again, I'll be strict on that tag being first. It would also be very helpful if you would limit the number of photos you provide, or find some way to show them in groups.In future, please remember to use the tag #gardenjournal as your
Enough of my critique!
Let's move on to those entries folks. These are listed in the order I read them, not the order they were published, nor does the order show any of my preferences. I wish I could say more about these, but time simply does not allow for that - there were forty three entries!
The Wrap Up
compendium@thebigsweed showed us quite the of his and @farm-mom's fabulous homestead.
productive balconyshowing us that even a tiny space can produce food@fotostef has a
sun radiation damage to show us.@bigorna1 had a bit of
wonderful fruits!@erikah is nearly afloat in
aeroponic garden teeming with lovely greens@salsayumna, a fairly new hivean, has a large
alive is good!@scribblingramma had her travails, but in the end
cabbages and carrots!@jude9 has TWO ACRES of
cabbage is in, and ferments are to come.@nikolina's first round of
succulents and house plants@multifacetas showed off an impressive collection of
small space using water bottles.@maytom shared how they are experimenting with growing chilis in a
turmeric triumphOur fearless leader @riverflows brought us poetry, nettles and a
a year it all comes together@goldenoakfarm shows us that even the best gardeners lose plants, but not hope for
underway@bengy is getting his new garden in Australia
fruit to show us!@soelthan sure has a lot of
vegetable garden that produces a bit of income as well as food for her and her husband@bigeyes2012 has a small but productive
fruit trees@uhighboy brings Asia to life for us with his post about
happy children in tow@jenthoughts make a belated trip to tend their lush garden plot with
hydroponic extravaganza@isdarmady showed us a
rural engineering college program.@ivycrafts is learning quite a bit about gardening in her
informative post@umirais took us through remedies for diseased mango trees in her
everything else is thriving@farm-mom's lovely roses saw some losses this year, but
beautiful blue flower that I would love to know more about@mojiko-blog's first post in this community showed a
flower garden@tayoo, another new member, showed us her lavish and large
Argentina@libra.gardener showed us 'winter gardening in
sunflowers and selfies@tahastories1 post is full of
single leaf can do@blanca56 shows what a
seventeen years to produce@sanjeevm showed us a jackfruit from a tree that took
how to grow foods in the Philippines@selflessgem teaches children
strawberries in the laughing dragon garden@cosmictriage had a very good year for
bananas galore@mrprofessor has interesting thoughts on compost and fence posts for us, and
a flower@tomaspalomo posted reflections on life, inspired by
very productive garden@travoved showed us his sunny and
show off@ruba99 has ornamental cactus plants to
this month's entry@danlop was tending onions and flowers for
chocolate tree for us this month, among other trees@uhighboy has a
tomato water@alborhada makes fertilizer from coffee grounds and
wild flower@rafi22 showed us several shots of a
balcony garden@coquicoin has a lucky cat and a lovely
garden thriving@plantstoplanks came back from a few days away to find her
Whew! Now that I have put all this together, I see from my notes that I must have missed a post on growing taro, and another on eggplants grown in bags. My apologies to anyone I missed! Let me know, and I will add you to this post.
The Winners
It's time for the prizes! I'm not sure who will be sending these prizes, or when, but they're coming!
@goldenoakfarm gets the passion prize this month. I was struck by her statement "I live in hope that there will be one year when it all comes together." Her dedication to her gardens is stupendous. This month, we learn that even the best gardeners can have lots of losses. I find this very comforting!
@thebigsweed is the veggie garden prize winner this month. He is certainly going all out for his veggies, and is getting spectacular results!
@umirais gets the photo prize, hands down, don't you agree? This is a photo of a fire set at the base of a mango tree to treat it for disease
Thank you to everyone who participated in the challenge this month. You all rock!
Happy Gardening!

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Wow, I sure left someone super capable in charge! This was a FANTASTIC wrap up and I loved the way you did it. Absolutely perfect. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do - it really is a gift, isn't it? It can take forever, but at the same time, it's really inspiring and heart warming. HOnestly it's the best curation job on HIVE in my opinion!
You sure did leave the garden journal wrap-up duties in good hands. @owasco knocked this edition out of the park.
Thanks! I'm relieved you think so. It's ok to gently berate?
I tend to read a half dozen or so of the entries every month, but having to read them all was cool - I learned an awful lot, and met cool people. It was a stupendous amount of work though, and I didn't have time to post anything else. I have no idea how you do all that you do!
So I should have listed every single post? Today, I'm not sure that has value.
Nope you did GREAT. Absolutely perfect! It's a killer job but I have my ways of saving time....
Thanks for that monthly report and mentioning me, good thing gardeners are on the rise. All for a better environment. Let's keep it up.🌱🌴🌳🍒🌶
Wow this is a real wrap up, so many gardeners in the last month!:D
Well done guys, kudos to you!
Thanks for the mentioning. We are really empowering @gardenhive
Congratulations to winners
Thank you for mentioning me... That was my first time to join a said challenge or contest here.
thanks for joining in x
Thanks for choosing my post @gardenhive
I really liked your whole post! It was very interesting, and the fire at the base of the tree was surprising.
I don't envy you judging all those fabulous posts!
Congrats to the winners but also to everyone that does post and show some amazing gardening topics!
lol it was kind of hard!
Thank you so much for the mention. Its amazing to see the different gardens that everyone shared to us. 😊
Congratulations for all the winners and good job to all 43 participants. Let's continue gardening.
I am very happy to be included in this section @gardenhive
Congrats to the winners!
Happy gardening 🌱
Thank you very much for mentioning me in the planters
Congratulations to the winners. And thank you very much for the mention. I will continue to post as I learn more in my career. Happy start to the week 🌱💕
Congratulations to the winners and all the participants, it is pleasing to see many gardeners who dared to show us wonderful things from their garden. Greetings to all 🤗
Thank you for including me in the roundup. I'm not terribly conscious of following the rules when I do a post as I'm just writing about each day. I must have gotten something right this month!
Well done @owasco! It is no easy feat going through all these, I'm sure. Though an enjoyable challenge to see all that's growing in the Hive universe! Love seeing all of the entries and that so many folks flex those green thumbs!
Thank you @gardenhive
That sums it up! Also pulling the phone out of the pocket with dirty hands to snap a photo 'because the folks are going to enjoy this story' or dropping the phone on a kart-load of poop to record every single step of composting. That has no price.
Congrats everyone. You are all legends
You were so close to getting that passion prize because of your devotion to cow manure!
Love this haha
working my way to become the master of poo
Now THAT is passion!
Good morning neighbor. You did one heck of a job with this post. Thanks for the mention, thanks for the prize, and most of all thanks for the time you put into this wrap-up.
Great job my friend.
Wow what a terrific wrap up, thanks for the mention and congratulations to all