Each month you'll get TWO new prompts, but you can also choose to write a creative response to any of the old prompts (listed below) just in case you've missed them previously. You can also choose to write a creative garden response according to your OWN prompt - a story, a free write, a drawing, a poem - anything 'creative'. Now you've no excuse not to participate! Have fun.
Oh, and check the countdown timer in Peakd. Depending on how busy we are that month, the challenge could run for 3 days or 7!
Here's a wrap up from last month's creative responses:
@sofs-su made us laugh talking about garden projects that invited donations from neighbours that threatened to take over the house, like used masks - ewwww! What a disaster. Best not tell peope about your projects, @sofs-su! What if you start planting things in old shoes?
@owasco made me feel better showing her garden disasters - sometimes you think everyone has successes but it's only that they're not talking about the WAR! One of @owasco's wars has been Japanese beetles.
She also wrote about woodchucks reducing plants to stalks, choosing a creative way to write about what most gardeners will know about -@owasco is plagued by disaster it seems.
The garden had been planted just outside the front door; the tiny front yard was the only place on the property with enough sun to grow vegetables. The Mother, remembering a tiny bit about gardening that she had learned from her Aunt Jane, had amended the soil in an eight by ten foot plot with five bags of of humus, and a cube of peat moss. The soil was dark, friable, moisture retentive, and fertile. The Mother had toiled diligently every day in her little veggie patch for a couple of weeks, planting, watering, pfutzing, and spreading the Love on her tiny charges for hours of every day. The day before this one, her seedlings, which she had started herself, had been thriving out in their little sunny patch in the front yard.
The first thing The Mother noticed as she stepped outside were two groundhogs (known as woodchucks to many around these parts) hightailing it in two straight lines away from the veggie plot and into the neighbor’s yard.
The next thing she noticed was – nothing.
There was nothing left in the garden but leafless stalks.
@riverflows chose to gush about how much she loves Hive Gardeners. They're the best, aren't they?
However, @carolkean totally destroyed @riverflow's illusions by countering that Hive gardeners are gentle by suggesting very stronging that they are anything but. They slash, burn and kill, often swearing as they go.
Now I am the a^^hole, chopping and killing, complaining and shaking my puny first of rage at God, Nature, Groundhogs, Rabbits, and rain clouds that don't send a drop our way. Unless it's that teasing 1/16 of an inch. Torment me some more. Go on. Drive me to a homicidal rage!
This Month's Winner
@carolkean, your rebut was genius. You'll already have seen 2 HIVE in your wallet, and you've also been set 75 percent beneficiary of this post. Second place is to @sofs-su, who also made us laugh. Thankyou for joining in!
**A quick note - if you used the #creativegarden tag but I couldn't see much relevance to the prompts, I haven't included your post here.
This Month's Prompts
1. You have arrived on a planet far, far from Earth, part of a first colony that has been formed because Earth can no longer sustain plantlife. Write about your experiences starting a garden on this new planet, and the plants and creatures you find there.
2. Do you have garden art in your garden? Show us and talk about it. Did you make it yourself? How? Why?
Previous Prompts
- The thing I love most about the Hive Garden community is....
- My biggest garden disaster was....
- The tiniest thing in my garden brings me the greatest joy.
- If I was to rule the world, I would make sure everyone had a garden.
- Your 'first' garden memory. 'I remember the first.....'
- I Was Bitten By A....
- 'Creative' is key! You could even do a freewrite, comedy, a poem, drawing, a make believe interview, a creative non fiction.
- Original photos only - please no more than three.
- Word count should be no more than 800 words
- Tag someone you think might be interested in the challenge
- Beautifully written posts are favoured - consider description, humour, personal anecdotes, philosophy.
- NO AI written content please. We don't mind grammatical errors and we DO love human content.AI images are okay but please say so.
- Please reblog and THREAD this post if you can!
- Use the tag #creativegarden as your first tag
- Include reference to this challenge post somewhere in your post, preferably at the end.
- Pay attention to the countdown - no entries will be accepted after the due date.
- The winner will recieve 75 percent of the post rewards for this post next month plus 2 HIVE. Second place wins 1 Hive. Please REBLOG and THREAD this post and tell your friends!
Depending on the popularity of this contest, we may offer further prizes! sponsorship is also welcome. Let us know if there's anything you would add or change - this is YOUR community!
Would you like to be tagged for next month? Let us know in the comments.
@plantstoplanks @sofs-su @nikv @owasco @umirais @buckaroobaby @farm-mom @thebigsweed @polesinns @andrastia @multifacetas @amygoodrich @jenthoughts @fanyokami @isdarmady @anafae @tanjakolader @yolithy24 @andrastia @minismallholding @goldenoakfarm @sanjeevm @nainaztengra @rem-steem @almi @leoplaw @denmarkguy @akiponn @dodovietnam @fermentedphil @galenkp @ifarmgirl
@ciadanmea @kennyroy @simplymike @dodovietnam @babeltrips @trangbaby @kaelci @shanibeer @proto26 @ifarmgirl @artemislives @edprivat @meesterboom @momogrow @antnn @luckylaica @blingit @traisto @fotostef @tydynrain @hindavi @steven-patrick @vibeof100monkeys @samstonehill @anttn @friendlymoose @jacksonizer @ciadanmea @tuocchu @gertu @artywink @dora381 @stortebeker @zakludick @maytom @juwell11 @chuch @maxdevalue @travoved @sunscape @alt3r @ninahaskin, @housecatharsia @promisedland @chidiadi65
Cover thumbnail created on Canva with image from Unsplash
The HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITYhere! supports gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden or botanical related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Find our community
Tag please 🙏🌱
Congratulations to the winners. The prompt is cool. Let me see if I can fit in.
@carolkean really did knock that one outta the park, didn't she?
Thanks for the effusive feature of my own post. I feel the warm and fuzzies.
Warm and fuzzies is what we're about!
Will you do an entry? Just did mine and people commented but I don't think they've actually read it 🤣🤣🤣
I'm working on it! I'll go actually read yours soon.
Congratulations to the winners ,
What a great time to have fun,garden for me is everything joyful
Tag please 😍
this cool @riverflows
Here's mine. Everyone thinks the first pic is real and no one has read it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's a really cool pix though. All of them are. Nice job on those!!!
Here's mine. I hope my knowing what a certain someone's favorite green is doesn't leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth!
Tag me please.
It says original photos only, but am guessing for a story we can create AI images? I was going to submit an entry but the snails from @riverflows planet ate my entry🤣
Just double checked the guidelines @tengolotodo - AI images are fine as long as you say they are AI, unlike the dude that posted this week of a bouquet of roses, including impossible blue ones, and said they were from his garden :)
Please, please salvage your entry from the terror snails! We need people like you to inspire others :)
Prompt 1 sounds like it's right up my alley! Hopefully I will have time to write on it. I have a few beautiful AI generated plant photos that could serve as examples of alien flora.
Omg please find time x
Here is my entry, blessings.
Congratulations to the winners 🏆
Hi, this is my entry 😊 @gardenhive
And tag me in your next posts, please 🪴.
Tag please 🙏💚
This is my entry to the challenge:
Greetings @gardenhive. https://peakd.com/hive-140635/@multifacetas/creative-garden-challenge-august-intergalactic-garden
Good afternoon this is my participation https://peakd.com/hive-140635/@aichel/desafio-creative-garden-agosto-planeta-esperanza-de-vida-creative-garden-challenge-august-planet-life-hope
Please make sure your entry is in within seven days but I'll count it this time!
Good evening, @gardenhive thank you very much for the opportunity to allow me to participate, God bless you.