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RE: Spring Flowers

in HiveGarden7 hours ago

A trip to Bath? Now that's dedication. I haven't been there for years but it used to be a regular haunt in my youth. It was the only place in the UK with a Laura Ashley shop at one time. And, as a child, I had piano lessons there from a great aunt. In Landsdown Crescent no less. Not that I was of an age to appreciate it. My lasting memory is of musty dark chocolate digestives offered from a tin when the lessong was over. 😁

 7 hours ago  

I've been planning to go to Bath for several decades. There used to be a day coach trip that I could pick up just down the road, but I could never get organised for the 7.30am pick up time. That would have been favourite, no responsibilities.

I guess I would stay overnight now to break up the travelling. There's a yarn shop there as well I would like to visit. I did go to the bookshop regularly when it was in London.

All this will be easier to organise when I give up the job.

Yeah. That was a great choice - to give up the job. All these adventures await you. Hopefully you'll come and visit us too!