So to catch up, on Sunday I glued one more piece to the fairy and sat down and spent 4 hours FINISHING! the garden bed notes and putting the mess away. It’s done! The rest of the day was napping and reading.
On Monday I got up early and got laundry started and the washer pulled the “I’m dead” thing for both loads, and then started itself 15 minutes later. Sigh… I went to exercise class and when I got home, I was pretty exhausted. I ended up sleeping most of the day. I did get one more piece glued on the fairy.
On Tuesday I was up at 5:00AM and got a load of dishes in the dishwasher then got a shower. I didn’t have photos to edit or a post to write and a glance at the calendar told me I needed to re-teach myself how to make cards on the new printer. There are 5 birthdays in the next week! So I spent about 1½ hours doing that and getting them ready to mail.
I had just sat down when my #2 intern arrived. She was going to help me set up the shelving and lights for the seed starting on Saturday, March 1. I got busy cleaning the kitchen and I set her to washing seed starting trays and covers. She had 7 of each to do.
Before we finished, my helper friend arrived. I set him to feeding the house plants. My #2 intern and I went to the cellar when we’d finished our jobs and started collecting the things we’d need to set up. She hauled it all upstairs.
This is where the seed starting charts I’d made a month ago came in handy. I knew exactly how many trays were going to be in each location and how much I had to set –up.
We got the porch done first but had forgotten to bring up bulbs for the light fixtures.
My helper friend next got some chores done, and then I sent him on errands.
We started by setting up the first 2 shelves and then I checked the starting chart and discovered we had to set up the whole thing. So we went back to the cellar and got the rest of the things we needed, including light bulbs.
I put 2 in the light on the porch and it worked. I won!
Getting those lights at the top up is quite a job. They are not adjustable as they are not reachable over the shelves. But we got the lights up, bulbs in, and timers on and everything worked first try. So that’s ready for Saturday.
We cleaned up the mess, took it back to the cellar, and she helped me glue one more piece on the fairy.
It was noontime by then so we quit for the day. I hadn’t expected to get set up so quickly. I had asked her to come on Wednesday and Thursday also.
On Wednesday I have exercise class in the morning and she comes around noon. We plan to start spring cleaning the living room, starting with the videos. I don’t know how long I will last.
It’s to be a warm sunny day in the upper 40’s. A lot of the snow has melted in the last 2 warm days.
That’s very neat! You got all the trays and lighting set up in one day! Though you were exhausted, you could recover quite fast. I didn’t feel like doing much as my back trouble has come back. Darn backache!
#hive #posh
5 birthdays in a week is going to be a lot to care of! Presents, wishes and so on
Lot of cleaning work done too
Putting the light in the porch felt like a huge and beautiful thing
I can see how happy you are
That’s great😃
Lots of activities is really going on. Also, it's good you were careful in getting those lights fixed at the top.
You put a lot of effort on it, surely you will get beautiful result. You are good in time management you manage to do lot of things in a day.
I wonder how you combine all of your activities
It must be e a lot of work for you
Well done
Yay, you are all set up and ready to go for the weekend. The fairy is coming along nicely too. Perhaps Larry will leave it alone once it is back in place. ♥
He better…
Gradually you are actually getting the work done I must confess
Setting up all associated with the beginning of a new growing season, @goldenoakfarm. By starting with growing your own plants from seeds, it looks like you made a very good start on that, from your pictures and description of the efforts of you and your interns! 🫡👍
We have limited experience with attempting the same thing. And not at the scale shown here. One key issue is access to sunlight, as we have no real good southern exposure.
Do you find the lights you appear to be using are a sufficient substitute for sunlight? Or are they simply supplementing the sunlight coming in through your windows? I am not familiar with the amount of sunny days there might be in western Massachusetts ...
that great