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RE: Drying your herbs

in HiveGardenlast year

What a very good post on preserving herbs! I wish I could just dry herbs here. In the summer the humidity is usually in the 90% or above range. So I have to use the dehydrators. And the instant I turn them off I must get the item in a jar and vacuum seal it. Otherwise it just starts absorbing moisture immediately.

 last year  

Humidity is a big issue. I d9nt know how many times I've put herbs out to dry undercover and it's decided to rain, letting mold start to grow. Dehydrators are definitely a winner.

Do you add silica gel to your jars or vacuum seal them?

I just vacuum seal because I was using them all up in a year.

 last year  

Silica gel can help to remove the excess moisture from air humidity while the herbs are in the container.