West Shed Garden - July 26, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in HiveGarden7 months ago

West Shed - before crop July 2024.jpg

I was up at 5AM and got my post up. I didn’t feel like cleaning the disaster of a kitchen so I could process the last of the sugar pod peas. I didn’t feel like folding and putting laundry away. I didn’t feel like doing anything, a common occurrence after a long busy day like Thursday was.

But it was to be a very nice day, not getting hot until noon, with low humidity. I just couldn’t waste it. So at 6AM, I went outside. The project was the West Shed garden and this is what it looked like. The main impetus was to get the bulbs in pots into the ground before they rotted.

Bulb planters crop July 2024.jpg

They had been put here when we renovated the 7th Fence garden.

So I collected all my equipment and got started. First was to remove all the dead daylily and iris stalks. Then I had a lot of very buggy leaves to cut back. Once that was done, I could weed.

This garden only had daylilies and white iris and 1 tulip that I hoped to find. (I didn’t.)

West Shed - cleaned out crop July 2024.jpg

By 8:30AM I had it all cleaned out and went in to do the milk order. I hadn’t decided what I was going to do about putting the edging in, as it was normally 2 person job, and a standing one. I usually recruited my son, but he wouldn’t be around until 1PM and I didn’t want to work in the sun and heat.

West Shed - trench for edging crop July 2024.jpg

So I decided to try to do it myself. We’d had rain so the trench would mostly stay open, not crumble like when dry. I found 2 pieces of edging each about 12½’ long. That was just a little more than I needed. I put the best one in on the south end and then fit the other one beside it and ran it out.

West Shed - planting daff bulbs crop July 2024.jpg

Once the soil was packed up to the edging on both sides, I could finally start planting the daffodil bulbs. But first I had to dig them out of the pots and that took a good amount of time. I saved all the dirt, cleaned, in sleds to fill the low spots on both sides of the edging.

Then I started planting. The bulbs were not very big so I put the biggest one, with 2 small ones, in each hole after adding a couple tablespoons of BulbTone to the bottom. Then I made a numbered marker for each one. That way I won’t dig them up when planting annuals.

West Shed - finished crop July 2024.jpg

I hadn’t saved enough bulbs so I went to get the pot in the cold frame. The ones in the pot on the bottom had started to rot. But I had enough, plus 3 extras that I put in the West garden, to put 32 spots in the West Shed garden.

I then put the extra dirt down and got my notes and cleaned up the huge mess I had made. It was 11:30AM and just starting to get hot as the sun was coming around the end of the shed.

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Perennial sweet peas under the crabapple tree

I rested for a while, made some lunch, put a load of dishes in the dishwasher, adjusted windows and shades against the sun, and went to bed for a nap. I got up at 4PM and just sat watching videos until suppertime.

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July evening

I’m not sure what I will do on Saturday. The peas, in cold water in the fridge, need to be done and the kitchen cleaned up and laundry finished. I’m sure there’s cukes to harvest, probably zucchini and summer squash, and maybe something else in the Big garden.

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Evening light on the New Herb garden

But it’s to be another nice day like Friday was, so maybe I will go out and clean out the East Shed garden as it’s gotten pretty bad.


A nice dry day allowed you to finish so many tasks. My body would go into hibernation after a day packed with activities and lots of hard work. You seemed to be able to carry on like a steady train on a long journey. I just hopped around and rested to compensate for the energetic phase.

There’s always a list of things to get done on several gardens. I am glad you have good helpers with you. If I was closed by, I would volunteer to help out in the kitchen during the weekend. So I could see Larry and learn new things there.

Hope you could take more frequent rest and see more oldies films.

Because we did so much on Thursday that’s why I didn’t feel like doing anything on Friday. But I made myself and ended up sleeping nearly 10 hours after. Today I did just over 4 hours of easier work and slept a few hours in the afternoon. Sunday will be a bit easier, except I have to mow for 4 hours.

I hope you get to clean the East Shed garden and have a good rest after all

I’m glad you did your chores quite early today
It’s so nice
Well done

 7 months ago  

It's hard to believe we are already cutting back certain flowers. I need to do the same. Ugh!

The West She'd garden is looking amazing and well kept now