The last update I made was at the start of April, now 5 weeks later, quite a bit has changed.
You can find Garden post 1 here.
Garden post 2 here.
Garden is definitely more colorful than in the last post. I got a lot of tulips outside and 90% of these are in full bloom mode. Here are some phtos of the different tulips.
These phtos are a couple of days old and this row of tulips had not opened yet, today these are fully open. Big red ones.
That blue flower, I dont know what it is exactly. It blooms every year but I have no idea about the name.
The situation with my palm tree is a bit worrying. Some leaves are starting to turn yellowish/orange. I already cut off one branch because it was dead most certainly and now I have 3 more branches that doesnt seem too good. However large branches are beautiful.
I still dont leave palm nor citrus tree outside overnight because we still get quite cold nights but I bring these out every day to get some great sunshine. You can see some orange branches on the right side.
A bit closer to the problematic branches. I dont know if the problem is watering. I am afraid to overwater so maybe I end up watering too little. I am trying to water more now and hoping this will stop the bad cycle. I probably end up cutting off these branches too because it seems unsavable.
Citrus tree is quite the same as in earlier post. I cut off one long branch from the top because it grew out of control and didnt look particularly nice. It still has whit flowers blooming on it sometimes but it looks like that this cycle will end now.
Here is a macro photo of one already bloomed flower.
The 3 citruses on the tree are still the same as when I bought the tree in March. Some very small new citruses are on the tree to but these tend to fall off mostly. Some small branch growth is also visible in places.
I did replant some flowers outside that I pre-grew indoors but that didn't turn out well as I thought. When I pre-grow indoots the stem grows too weak because it gets no wind. I also planted some red sunflower seeds outside and I'm looking forward to these growing. Last year I got some amazing tall sunflowers. I planted these in this corner, let's see how this random corner evolves then.
Otherwise, nature is green now. Bushes and trees are all green. It's absolutely gorgeous. I love this season.
I can finally say that the long-awaited summer is here!
Next update of the garden sometime in June probably.
Don't forget to participate in my monthly weather guessing game here and you might win 10 HIVE. The game is open until the 17th of May.
Flowers really gives beauty to the place where they're located. They're so beautiful and upon looking at them, we can't stop ourselves to smile. It always brings good vibes.
Thats why I love this season. Everything starts to bloom and its a great joy to walk around the garden.
Your garden is really looking nice. As they always say -- April showers bring May flowers!
It seems like April showers really did the trick as nature got green fast after the rain finally came 😀.
very beautiful plant.
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