I'm officially taking this as a sign to do the no-phone thing. Been on my mind a while. Some character on a show (Yellowjackets) phrased being phone-free quite well, as liberating yourself from the tyranny of other people's priorities.
Beauty in the little things is actually the biggest beauty of all. It's our minds that make em little. I love this post <3
Yes exactly - libertion from other peoples priorities!
I don't take my phone with me very often. I went out recently with two friends, and when one of them didn't show up on time, the other ordered me to 'call her.' When I said I hadn't brought my phone, she got quite angry with me for being unreachable! Told me I 'should think different.' I said 'I am thinking different!' The late friend knows my refusal to bring my phone with me most places, and would have called the restaurant if she needed to get in touch with me, like we all did,not long ago, in those good old days, the 90's, which @riverflows longed for in a comment above. We have been deliberately enslaved to our phones. They are the enemy's weapons. Lay them down.
"Lay them down" - what a great rallying cry!
Phones are the enemy's weapons!
Distracting us, enslaving us.
In our last-century childhoods, if we could have seen documentaries of our granchildren as school kids walking around, heads bent over some gadet in hand, talking to nobody we could see, we'd have thought they were all escaped from the mental ward.
Tracking us, indoctrinating us, making us dumber and enslaving our minds! Get rid of them. I know many folks use them to blog. The only app I have on my phone is a GPS, and I try very hard not to use it. I print out directions, look at maps, and ask friends for directions instead. Many say "I just put it in my GPS." People no longer know how to drive around their own towns without a GPS!
Oh, the lying GPS...
Last week a Fed Ex driver tried to hand me a package addressed to my neighbor.
I pointed to the house to the east of me.
"But the GPS took me to this house," he said.
Paper maps have been more reliable. Unless road closings and detours, hence, "WAZE," one of those apps. My husband and children can use these apps. I am allergic to apps. Unfold the map from the glove compartment please... note to self: try again to teach daughter to READ MAPS....
I try to imagine what my own kids/grandkids will have, in lieu of smartphones. Then I remember the answer depends on who I'm gonna be, at least to an extent, and how much access to that sort of distracting tech they're gonna have. Too many parents, sadly, gave into social pressure (or just rejoiced in having their children temporarily outta their hands) without understanding the addictive path they were walking the kids down on.
You're totally right. Enslaving is just what they're doing. And with each new tech they roll out, it gets a little harder to break free.
lol is that a typo I see in your comment? As I live and breathe...
I probably told you about a bat mitzvah I went to a few years ago, jeez it would have been nearly 8 years ago now, and all the kids were sitting glumly at their table with their phones in their hands, while their parents cut up the dance floor! It was bizarre.
I've considered doing this, and that social aspect's always what stops me. What if they can't reach me? I was meeting a friend yesterday, and I kept fidgeting with my phone, waiting for her. And then, I had like an aha moment. Like why do I keep holding it? She'd told me where she was, I had an estimate how long she was gonna be. The informational transaction was over. Conditioning, you know?
I agree with @carolkean. Lay them down may be one of the coolest battle cries I've heard in a while. I'm definitely gonna adopt it into my personal day-to-day, hope you don't mind :)
It's so ludicrous it's funny. I don't even think it's so much a matter of being reachable, as in that's not what bothers. What bothers others in this sort of thinking is (as ever) how it reflects on them, and I've noticed smartphone addiction is something of a sore spot. We don't wanna be that person, but aren't willing to think different, either.
Our obsession with the smart phones, like all obsessions, has gone too far. We really have to stop using them altogether! It's nearly impossible, but I am slowly training everyone I know to leave messages on my landlines (I have three), or email me, and wait for me to get back to them. This makes everyone slow down some.
I've been saying "Our phones are our enemy's weapons. Lay them down" for a while now, hoping it would catch on. Go right ahead and use it lavishly!
Thank you, I will! :D I always cave in for the music, though I'm aware it's a self-sabotaging mentality. I go yeah, but I still wanna listen to my Spotify or whatever, and then abort the whole digital detox plan altogether. I know it might not sound like it, but it's a big thing for me, so quick question, do you YouTube or CDs or something? :)
CDs and vinyl, all hardwired, no wifi in my house except when guests are staying over, because I can only hardwire one device at a time. I listen to music that I want to learn, but have no hardcopy of, on my computer. I like live music best, especially making it with others - imagine the connection! We must go back to non-tech times as much as possible. Technology is a trap.
I've gotta say, I love your outlook! I agree. I did an impromptu jam session with my brother the other night and it was such a uniquely freeing and fun experience. It made me think I might actually like to learn a bit of piano (when I've never ever thought of myself as a piano person). Wouldn't have happened just sitting around listening to other stuff. Thank you, I greatly enjoy interacting with you :) have a great day!
It's mutual. I love the way you think!