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RE: Growth and development - G-dog's vegetable garden

in HiveGarden2 years ago

I don't really garden, but I get reports from my library patrons. They have generally had success with our giveaway seeds! I still have some herb seeds, and some people are still starting indoor herb gardens with them. We're definitely transitioning into people borrowing books about recipes, seed saving, and preserving now though.


I think growing a few things is going to become more prevalent as the cost of living rises. Unfortunately it's not always more cost-effective, especially if setting up from scratch, but free seeds help; they do similar things here.

Water can be a major expense here. It's not high desert by any means, but summers are dry. Irrigation is a must for traditional crops. The natives hunted and foraged over wide areas, and settled near water for agriculture.

Yep, it's the same in parts of Australia. We have towns that haven't seen a drop of rainfall in over eight years. They have to truck all water in for human or animal consumption. Crazy huh?