Since I can remember, my mother's house has always been characterized for having a garden in the entrance.
In the pictures you can clearly see the different plants that she has planted there.
I remember that when she gave me the variant of the Covid virus, Omicron, my sister-in-law gave her a plant called azithromycin to plant.
It was precisely the medicine that was sent to me, but since I did not have the economic resources to buy it, I put an infusion that my mother indicated to me, thus being able to fight the infection.
The garden has diminished a bit, in terms of the number of plants.
I remember that when I was a child there were many more.
What happened is that my dad had to add soil and remove some that were too big and their roots could damage some parts of the house.
I remember that we had a very big pine tree, unfortunately it has dried up.
Always at Christmas time we used to decorate it with my father. I am talking about my brothers and my parents
It has been said that people who grow plants or who start to do it is when they are at a certain age.
This is not the case of my mother because she did it before she was thirty years old.
Palms are plants that have always been present in the garden.
Some people ask for some palms when December comes, or when Holy Week arrives, or perhaps for some arrangement.
My mother is happy to donate them.
Another plant that is present in the garden is called "caña la india", and she uses it to fight kidney diseases, especially to destroy kidney stones.
He is always seen cooking some stems, when his blood pressure rises, or when he has discomfort when urinating, as it has a high healing power,
to help the body destroy the aforementioned kidney stones, which are sometimes associated with high blood pressure.
Another of the plants, in this case that can become a small tree is the cherry, or as she calls it the cherry.
Many are those who pass in front of the house and when they see the fruit, the temptation to take some of these cherries leads them either to ask for them or to take them without permission, since their branches extend outside the house.
In the following photograph you can see the trunk of the cherry.
I didn't have time to ask him the name of each of the plants since he had to travel to another city. But I do promise to make a study of some of them.
There where you see few plants, there were many, in fact there was one that is popularly known in Venezuela as the Aniceto.
My brother had to pull it out by the roots because it was lifting the ground a bit.
But it is growing again since it has a high medicinal power, and it is necessary to plant it again.
The stairs that you can see were built by my father when I got married.
Always when we are at home we climb those stairs to get to our room.
Some two months ago, it was almost impossible to go up without some branch that prevented us from passing, because Aniceto's plant and a neighbor's pomegranate plant also spreads its branches to our house.
This plant, the one in the recent pictures, is the one I am talking about. It has a high healing power, if you review among my publications you will find that it is anti-inflammatory and among other options to obtain health. Some people use it for digestive problems, because it has anti-inflammatory properties, causing the small and large intestine to deflate, thus achieving the expulsion of accumulated gases in this system.
I introduce you to the being who gave me life, my mother, from whom I have learned some things of natural medicine to prevent, for example, that my blood pressure accelerates or how to share a diarrhea using natural products.
After discovering this community I will be making other posts researching some sources and sharing with you the pictures of my mom's Garden.
It strikes me that you say that the anise plant lifts the floor, I also have it in my house but its roots have behaved well so far. I love that anise flavor it has, its name is Santa Maria leaf and it can also be added to foods. Greetings @josewilchez