All I saw was space - lots of it
Must be hard work
Hey those phones are an extension of us these days ;p
And go back to SA if you have to, but don’t you dare leave Hive!!
All I saw was space - lots of it
Must be hard work
Hey those phones are an extension of us these days ;p
And go back to SA if you have to, but don’t you dare leave Hive!!
Yes as you say, lot's of space, very little time hahaha.
Let's throw the damn phones! I won't haha.
Thanks for giving us the stamp, we're good to go now lol 😁
I have a friend or two that left, and it shook me, I hope they will change their mind (if you read this Art, come back!!)! In all honesty I took a few days off and enjoyed it so much, I realize that we spend a looooot of time here, and it's not a critic, but I can't help but think that sometimes you need to make some space for things in life, and HIVE takes loots of space in my life.
On the other hand, I am balls deep in it haha
I feel you coz I am "you"
I too have a few that stepped away completely, partly, left and came back
It does take a lot of time this Hiving, and I need a step back every now and then too
I think it is partly because we want to do these videos and videos do take just a little more time than just writing.
Like you, the times I've thought of throwing in the towel, unbeknownst to me, like a magnet it pulls me back slowly and then I am way deep again
Rinse, Repeat :p
Yeah I think it was Dreemsteem talking about having to walk away from time to time, and come back later.
It's weird because my opinion on this shift from one day to the other, hahaha, but you're right about the magnet effect, you might think it's just the dopamine addiction, but there is something else at play, you get addicted to the feeling of creating!