man it is good to see that everything wiorked out so well in the garden this year. I didn't know water was such an issue by you guys?
(can imagine that the househunt is less appealing if you had all of that work done already in the garden and wouldn't want to give that up)
Yeah we haven't been in drought for a while but summers can be dry. If we go into drought again it'll be harder. Back in the 90s we were only allowed 150 l a day so people weren't allowed to water their gardens. Hence why people had grey water set ups. People used to tell on people if they used the town water to water their veggies, it was mental. I imagine it'll get like that again. Everything in cycles.
Yeah I really love our place, just wish I was closer to coast but it's only a 25 m drive so I need to remind myself of that.