in HiveGarden3 years ago

Hi guys! How is your day? I hope everything is going well with you.
This is my second time posting here. In the first post, I had the opportunity to share with everyone about my father's garden. That is where his joy resides every day. I visited him last Sunday and noticed some changes in his garden, so I want to share it with you.

Peach Pink and Gold Organic Brushstroke Artist Facebook Cover.png

In the previous article, I shared that my father prepared a few pots of soil to plant flowers to decorate the house during the New Year holidays. And today, those pots of soil have sprouted green and healthy plants.


The rows of small trees are neatly arranged and aligned with a beautiful green color. My father must have taken good care of them because not a single leaf was mothed. Of course, because he considers the garden as his brainchild.

The pots of spider plants also gave off white flowers, very small and cute. I didn't know before that this plant would flower. Now I have admired the beautiful small flowers of this plant. They look like snowflakes, so cute.


The jungle flame plants that my father planted earlier have also started to flower. The first petals on the stem are still small. They may not be beautiful now, but when the tree trunk grows, they will produce larger flowers, and you will see how beautiful they are. This plant is often planted in the front yard because it has good feng shui. People say that they bring wealth and prosperity to the owner.



The custard apple trees behind the house bore a lot of fruit. I like this fruit because it has a sweet and mild taste. But it's hard to keep them from being infested by pests.


And this is my grandmother's asparagus bean pea rig. It has produced many fruits, and she picks them up to make a stir-fried asparagus beans dish.


And there are many other changes in my father's garden.


Màu be Nâu Thanh lịch Đơn giản Phông chữ Serif cho Doanh nghiệp Bản thuyết trình.png




Every time I come back to my father's house, I like to visit his garden. Sitting here, under the trees, I have a strange feeling of comfort and peace. All my worries appeared to wash away as I breathed in the pure, clean air here. Maybe it's because I'm close to nature, or per half, it's because I am close to my dad.


I suddenly realized that our lives are like gardens. Sometimes it shines brightly, but sometimes it's devastating and drooping. It depends on how you take care of your garden or your soul. What kind of tree you sow, you will reap the sweet fruit and fragrant flowers of that tree. If you sow happiness, you will reap happiness. If you sow selfishness, you will get hurt and disadvantaged in return. Let's nourish our souls with the best plants so that our lives are always happy and light.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my father's garden. Have a nice weekend.

Vàng Người phụ nữ.png

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Nàng làm tui nhớ nhà quá 😭

Về nhà cảm giác thoải mái lạ thường Phương hì

Nhìn thích qá c ơi. Tự dưng muốn về qê ghê 😭

Thanks em nè. ❤️ cảm giác xa quê lâu ngày về lại rất là thoải mái em hè

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tầm này tự cung tự cấp là thích nhất rùi c Loan nhỉ :D

Uk em. An toàn sạch sẽ nữa. Thanks em đã ghé nhen❤️

Thịt gà này xa xỉ với e quá. 2 tháng nữa thôi về chén hẳn 1 con cho đã

Quê em ở Quảng Nam luôn hả

Cũng là Nam mà Nam Định c ơi

Oh. Xa quá he. Nào có dịp vào Quảng Nam lên đèo le ăn gà, ngon lắm em.😊

Ô đèo le hở, bảo sao, tụi e vẫn hay đạp lên đó ăn nhậu rồi đạp về mà, gà đèo le có tiếng mà

Mùa này lạnh mà cây cối mọc vẫn xanh tốt ghê Loan :) Cái bức hình cuối với nón lá xinh ghê :)
Much !LUV

Cảm ơn bạn tui nha ❤️ ba L nuôi trồng mát tay lắm

e cũng thích có vườn đẹp như vậy quá mà nhà không có đất để trồng hix

Chị cũng thích nhà có vườn. Ở quê thì đất rộng nên thoả thích trồng trọt á e

You have a very nice and well kept garden, you can see the work that goes into taking care of these beautiful plants. I am very happy to see them blooming and to have had before and now pictures, it is very good idea to present the post with better quality and this has been one of the best. Thank you very much for sharing it, it is a pleasure.

Gardening is also one of the most effective ways to relieve stress.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a nice ưeekend ❤️

I haven't seen any of your posts lately. Are you no longer blogging? @pavanjr

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Thank you

It's nice to look at the before and after photos. Your plants are really thriving, it has been well taken care of 🍃🍃🍃

My father took care of it very well, and I'm happy to see that his hard work has paid of. Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a nice weekend

Trồng cây là cả một nghệ thuật ch nhỉ 😊

Đúng rồi e, tuổi già chăm cây cũng là một thú vui nữa hihi. Thanks em đã ghé blog chị

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you so much

 3 years ago  

I always love your very sweet gardening posts - there's a lot of joy and tenderness in them that I really appreciate. Your family sure seem to have green thumbs! Love, @riverflows

You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Find our community here!

thank you @gardenhive so much

wow, có cả một vườn luôn, có thanh long luôn hả chị?

có nhiều cây lắm em mà chị không chụp hết. ba chị trồng đủ thứ, thích lắm

Nice that he keeps himself occupied with a healthy hobby and I love custard apple 😊

thank you @tinman88 😍

Looks like your Dad has green fingers (just like mine) :D

yes, thank you @kaerpediem so much. I hope you have a happy week.

I like this garden :) ... and when I see this plants and trees, then I can just dream here to have them :) Here to cold :))

yeah, I understand your feeling. Warm weather with plants and nature is still better, right?

Yes warm days are good :) ... but sometimes is winter good too :))

Ông ngoại mát tay thế, trồng cây gì là lên như thổi nhỉ.

Thích đoạn cuối Loan viết, đúng là cham soc cuộc đời mình cũng như chăm sóc cái vườn. Sẽ có lúc mình thu lại héo tàn bên ngoài nhưng nếu ấp ủ vun đắp chăm sóc từ bên trong, rồi sẽ đến lúc hoa lại nở cây cối lại xanh tưoi, tâm hồn mình lại tưoi mới

thương quá, chỉ có Dung là đọc được điều cốt lõi mà tui muốn nói. hihi. Much love nha

Hihi thì t cũng thích điều mà Loan nhắn nhủ. Bởi t cũng thích nhìn vườn cây !LUV

Hello @kimloan. That's such a lovely garden. Not only is it a labor of love for your father, but the act of gardening also enhances your health, well-being, and productivity due to your direct exposure to Mother Nature. Great passion. 😊

Thank you for visiting my garden. Gardening is a real fun 🙃

With pleasure @kimloan. Have fun with your gardening. 😊