Enriching organic Fertilizer

in HiveGardenlast year

Hello Hive People, Good day! I hope you and lover loved ones are safe. I started my day with an enthusiastic dream and I will definitely show you a different path to follow. I feel very strange to be back here after such a long period of 10 days of inactivity. My self-managed the family function on my own so I am quite busy.
Today I am going to share about enriching the soil by adding cow dungs as a organic fertilizer and small review of my garden updates

                                   LEMONQUATS PLANTS 

I updating lemonquats plant here after 20 days long periods. Those plants are in good condition and Well grown. I am waiting for harvest dates.


Mushroom today I notice some mushroom nearby cow dungs compost or manure areas, yesterday night the weather is cloudy and little rain, the rain not too much. Last 10 days climate is too bad hot. But today is fully cloudy.

Digging soil can improve soil compaction water drain.its help can also make it easy for root grow. Using organic fertilizer advantages are improving soil structure, aeration increasing and texture. So I am using cow manure as organic fertilizer.

I Dig the soil in square shape nearby plant and trees roots. Its help us to enrich the soil easily and its hold the nutrients the same. This process improve water drain and soften and loosen the soil.

For few plant enrich the soil without dig the soil, just i near by plants roots .

He is my garden worker, he always help me during hard time in garden works

                                  Tomato plant 

This plant is planted around twenty five days ago and its grown well. i need to wait again 20 days to harvest those tomato's.

                                Onion Plants 

This onion Plant i planted around 15 days ago. i did not have enough time to plant many onion in home garden. this week i will make plan to plant many onion in my home garden.

I notice banana Plants, its look like different, many leaves in both plants. i did not know the reason.

I check with my father regarding this kind of banana plants. He explained if you found in more banana bunchy .this one type of virus, this called as BBTV- Banana Bunchy top Virus. This virus infect banana plants and other crops also. This virus cannot controlled by any chemical. Only one option is cut those plant. We wait again grow the plants from starting.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new. Thank you so much Hive for giving me an opportunity to become a better person again through writing. See you on my next blog. last 10days i am quite busy with family members.

Thank you for your time and attention. Have a great day! The images and writing are original and mine home Garden. The writings in this post are my own

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Difference leaves in banana Plants